Has your hair growth/ practices influenced those around u?


Well-Known Member
I know my mom has noticed my hair growth from SL to APL. How u could u not notice. But she never asked me any questions about what it is i'm doing that got me to this point. I think she's been looking at all the stuff I used and took matters into her own hands.

I'm actually pleased to say that my mom started using Wen faithfully. Morocan Oil & backing off the sulfates. Her hair has grown maybe 1" longer than it's been for like a decade. Her hair is no longer looking like straw either. I just can't believe she did this on her own and I KNOW my growth has influenced her to help her hair.

anyone close to you notice the change in your hair and is now taking better care of theirs?
not really i have to force my family to do anything differently to their hair and they barely listen. my hair has grown but its not drastic enough for them to really listen to me i guess
hellz yea. All my friends have either gone natural or are transitioning. I'm really proud that they have told me that I've been a big influence.
Absolutely. Although I have tossed around the idea of transitioning to natural to my family, they aren't following me and are still set on staying relaxed. They have, however, taken active roles in increasing the health of their hair.
Yes! Dh clarifies his 1mm long hair. He also uses moisturizing shampoo, coconut oil, tea tree oil, and moisturizers. He wears his du-rag to bed because he doesn't want breakage....but he cuts his hair often :perplexed

I made some MN mixed with mango hair treatment. She's requested that I make some more for her and my niece. I think she's going natural. She does do overnight DC. I've been telling her to lay off the dye and constant relaxers for her and my niece.
Yes! I know for a fact i have influenced ppl to go natural, turned ppl on to chlorella through my cousin that told everybody lol. so yeah, i have.
My sister is now natural & uses henna. My my sister-in-law, neighbor, & a co-worker are transitioning & a manger that I work with now uses henna.

After I revealed my hair when I was APL (18 months post BC) on facebook in January 2010, I got so many comments! Especially when I added my BC pics!

After that 1 of my cousins and best friend transitioned. My sister in law is considering BC-ing, and 2 of my friends from back home already transitioned. My ex boyfriend and other male friends all complimented my BC pics and APL pics, and I get so many questions on a weekly basis.

My husband insists now that I add VO5 conditioner to his hair before washing, then he likes to shampoo it, and insists I then add Cantu Shea Butter cream and jojoba oil to his hair.......

Its been VERY positive feedback from all angles!