Has this happened to you? Solidified, doughy conditioner makes hair sticky/stiff??


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to figure out what is going on... My routine was working great but these past two washes have left me with product buildup on my roots and weird stickiness/stiffness.

So here's the deal: I order conditioner by the tub. The lid is flimsy plastic and began to not close all the way a month ago. Anyway, after a month of exposure all of the water base had left the conditioner, leaving it solidified into what I would describe as jelly like balls. Up until last week there was some moisture and I was able to get a softer, easier to spread consistency by adding water and rubbing the clumps/ balls between my fingers. My hair came out great. Last Sunday the balls seems more plastic like, harder to break down ( this is Keracare Humecto and has cones). I put it in my hair anyway after prepoo, clarifying, protein wash day. Before this has worked fine, but last Sunday and now last night has left my hair feeling sticky stiff and producty. I am using the same products otherwise that give me amazing results. The only thing i can think of that may have changed is the consistency of the Humecto. What's strange is there isn't a huge change in the consistency, maybe by 5%. I'm wondering if all of the "good stuff " evaporated or was compromised leaving me with hard goo.

I'm wanting to know if anyone else had an experience like this and if it meant you had to change your whole routine or if you just bought newer conditioner of the same brand and received better results? I'm worried because it always seems like once a routine works it stops after awhile. I don't want to find another routine. :nono: I'm probably answering my own question....
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Re: Has this happened to you? Solidified, doughy conditioner makes hair sticky/stiff?

Sounds like the conditioner was broken down too much due to the drying out and re-moisturizer process.
I haven't used that particular brand, but I've not had problems reconstituting products, whether conditioner or anything else.
I'd recommend putting your mega tubs of conditioner into smaller bottles immediately, to preserve the original form as long as possible.
And reconstituting maybe two uses at a time in a bottle instead of doing so in your hands or in direct application.
I get great results when I reconsitute a little product at a time in an old conditioner bottle, applicator bottle, or soda bottle. Doing it this way ensures a uniform texture (shaking it up really well or even popping it into a blender) and allows all the solids to completely reintegrate.
I could see buildup happening from minuscule pieces not reconstituting.
HTH! :-)

ETA: It would be even better to use very warm/distilled water.

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