Has this happened to anyone else?


New Member
So last Wednesday I got a touch up with Phyto Index II for the first time and it was wonderful, downright glorious. I was supposed to wash yesterday but I had tons of reading to do and a paper to write so I figured I'd do it today since I have lot's of free time and I wanted to do a nice thorough Emergencee treatment with my wash. Anyway my mom did my Phyto for me and she got it really nice and straight, she probably relaxed it to 85- 90% which is just fine with me.

Anyway, I was playing with my hair this morning (all the good stuff i'm doing makes it feel nice and soft so i can't help myself :sekret:) and what do I feel on my scalp? NEW GROWTH!!!:eek: I was like, oh hell to the naw, I must be losing my mind, so I felt other places on my scalp, and while not every place had NG, a lot did!! ......... I'm kinda at a lost for words, like, what's going on? Is this possible? Am I crazy:look: ? Please tell me I'm not the only one whose experienced this and I'll feel a lot better. I'm not MTGing or doing anything topical, though I have been stalking the Neosporin thread a little:ohwell: ....
SohoHair said:
So last Wednesday I got a touch up with Phyto Index II for the first time and it was wonderful, downright glorious. I was supposed to wash yesterday but I had tons of reading to do and a paper to write so I figured I'd do it today since I have lot's of free time and I wanted to do a nice thorough Emergencee treatment with my wash. Anyway my mom did my Phyto for me and she got it really nice and straight, she probably relaxed it to 85- 90% which is just fine with me.

Anyway, I was playing with my hair this morning (all the good stuff i'm doing makes it feel nice and soft so i can't help myself :sekret:) and what do I feel on my scalp? NEW GROWTH!!!:eek: I was like, oh hell to the naw, I must be losing my mind, so I felt other places on my scalp, and while not every place had NG, a lot did!! ......... I'm kinda at a lost for words, like, what's going on? Is this possible? Am I crazy:look: ? Please tell me I'm not the only one whose experienced this and I'll feel a lot better. I'm not MTGing or doing anything topical, though I have been stalking the Neosporin thread a little:ohwell: ....

Maybe your mom just didn't relax ALL your new growth. She might have left some 'undone' so to speak.
Same thing I was thinking, especially since the Phyto doesn't get the hair bone straight anyway. Or you could just be having a growth spirt, plus I see you take vitamins maybe there starting to kick in.
Nice & Wavy said:
Maybe your mom just didn't relax ALL your new growth. She might have left some 'undone' so to speak.
Has your mom done your touch ups in the past or have you gone to a professional? It may be under-processed :confused: I get my Phyto touch-ups at the salon and i cant say i have every experienced new growth the next day. good luck.
My mom has done them before (she relaxes lots of people's hair, not jut my own) and this has never happened before. I mean it's been nearly a week since the relaxer so who knows, maybe I'm on my way to an inch a month??? (:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: , a girl can dream can't she?) I did have lots of new growth so there is a chance she didn't get to it the last time but no matter, I'll take it all in stride, thanks the the MSM my hair is growing in pretty wavy and manageable so I won't complain.... too loudly....:perplexed
I had to give up phyto :( because my hair reverted to fast. I loved my immediate results with it and I gave it 3 tries before giving it up.