Has Pantene Discontinued their Relaxed and Natural Line?


New Member

I've been to 2 Targets in the last few days and I've seen the Pantene R&N line in the clearance. I know the masque has been discontinued, but the entire line??? :perplexed

So of course like the pj I am, I bought the large bottle of their conditioner EVEN THOUGH I have 5 bottles of random conditioners at the house. But I couldn't take the chance of leaving it behind if they're letting the line go.

Has anyone seen the same thing? BTW, I'm in DC and I went to the DC Target and another in Alexandria, VA.
Re: Has Pantene Discontinued their Relaxed and Natural Line???

I've noticed this at my local Target and Walmart. The mask has been gone for a while, but they don't appear to be restocking any of the R & N products. I hope they are simply redoing packaging or something, but my gut tells me otherwise.
Re: Has Pantene Discontinued their Relaxed and Natural Line???

Check out this post regarding changes to Pantene's product lines. And yes, my target has clearanced nearly all of the old Pantene and replaced it with the new lines.
Re: Has Pantene Discontinued their Relaxed and Natural Line???

I don't see it any any stores anywhere anymore.
Re: Has Pantene Discontinued their Relaxed and Natural Line???

I guess it's just Target removing it from their stores. I wonder why??? But thanks for the link Aggie and Americka.
Re: Has Pantene Discontinued their Relaxed and Natural Line???

THat would be crazy considering they just came out with the line a few years back...i think
Re: Has Pantene Discontinued their Relaxed and Natural Line???

Oh, I see what they're doing- they're switching to a new label. Ok, this makes sense. (I really didn't NEED to buy that big bottle of conditioner after all...) :)
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I just went to Rite Aid and they have a new packaging for the R&N line. It looks like the other new ones except the bottle is still brown of course and it says dry to moisturized. They also changed the ingredients. No more petrolatum in the shampoo but I didn't compare to the old bottle so I dont know the other changed ingredients.

Good news is my Rite Aid had all the old stuff 50% off so I got the R&N Breakage Defense Conditioner and the deep conditioner in the white jar for $2.50! Lord knows I shouldn't have bought them but hey, it was a deal!? The new bottles are 2 for 7 at Rite Aid if ya'll are interested.
I know where I live the line just didn't do well. There were miles of dust on the R&N shampoo's and condtitioners. I tried the conditioner and I hated it, I gave to to my sisters who were relaxed they didn't like it either, they passed it down, to one of their friends and I don't know what they thought of it lol