Has Motions changed the formula?


New Member
My new bottle of Motions Nourish leave-in smells different. It has a lot of dimethicone in it (second ingredient), which I don’t remember seeing before. The bottle has the motions at home label, but I just didn’t notice it until I used it. Could there be two versions of them now, or is it just changed?

I don’t like this formula, it’s almost totally water, dimethicone and amdimethicone... before there was just amdimethicone if I remember it right. I don’t like the new smell either. It’s less strong and more pleasant, but it reminds me that it’s not the same product! :mad: Why’d they have to change it?!?

Has anyone else noticed a change?
DangerouslyShy said:
I have a bottle im not sure if its a new one or old one...


Porsche, when did you get it? what does the new bottle look like? how do u know the formula has change? I bought the bottle I am currently using during the last months of 2004.
I got it last month.

The new bottle looks like the old bottle, except it now has an "at home" logo on it at the top. It didn't say that before.

What first alerted me was the smell. From my own memory, I don't think that there was that much dimethicon in the product before.
I have two bottles, one that is more than a year old (that doesn't say at home) and another that I can't get to right now, bc my SO is shaving his head in the bathroom and since he gets so little time in there I don't want to disturb him.... :D

As soon as he's out I'll check the other "newer" bottle to see if there's a difference....that ones less than 6 months old.

I have something else in the older bottle but I never did start using the new one like I thought I would. It didn't seem the same feel and resultwise when I used it last.... :ohwell:
You are right however, that the older bottle only has amodimethicone that I can see, and it's about the 4th ingredient down....

No dimethicone that I can tell.