Has anyone used pomade for...


Well-Known Member
braidouts on blow dried hair? I've only used pomade for my edges. Thing is, I need to have a really nice defined braid out, and I was wondering if I could use some pomade. I don't want to use gel b/c most of the gels I own have humectants in it...im doing it on semi-straight/blow dried hair. Im natural and I don't want it to turn out puffy, but nice a sleek. I normally just leave my braids in for about a week and it turns out smooth and has good hold, but I only have one day for the braidout to set...so I was trying to find something that will hold it nicely. Just wondering if anyone tried it and liked the results...
Be patient. Give it some time and you'll get responses.

While I've just started using Aveda Anti-Humectant Pomade, I can't give my verdict yet. I'm transitioning and am still doing pressed/curly styles so I'm not of much help right now. My stylist uses it on damp hair then blowdries and styles by doing spirals with the curling iron. That was Saturday the 6th and today is the 11th and it still looks good. A little fuzzy and free looking as the curls are loosening, but considering about 3 days of rain and more days of humidity, I'd say I got pretty decent hold and formation even to my roots.

This is just MY hair so yours may do otherwise. I said all of that to say.... read up on the Aveda Anti-humectant Pomade.
(ps. I'm about to PM you)
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