Has Anyone used Henna on their Brows?

Lol i don't think its that serious that it will blind you, but you run the risk of staining your skin around your eyebrows making you look weird.

I personally would not do it, your natural eyebrow color should suffice.
Since some people color their brows to match their hair and to cover gray, I wondered if people do the same with henna.
:bump::bump: again. I don't want to henna my eyebrows for color (though matching my hair wouldn't hurt :grin:), just the strengthening/thickening benefits. Is it worth it? Anyone tried it and can say for sure, or am I going to have to be my own guinea pig...?
I haven't done it, but thought about it. I didn't want to end up looking crazy so I chickened out. I'm sure someone has tried it. Did you do an Internet search?
I've been googling and YouTubing but haven't come up with much. There was one post in an ayurveda thread here that gave instructions for doing it, but I haven't come across anything from anyone who's actually done it.

Well, I would guess that it's not a popular thing to do and it's for a reason...:ohwell:
Hecks no I would not do that...I don't think it would blind you but I woudn't want permanent color on my eyebrows...how long does it take your eyebrows to grow out anyway? I rarely tweeze mine and they aren't thick anymore b/c I started tweezing when I was like 11.
natural" looking browsHello ladies, i recently received a henna paste on my brows. my eyebrows faded and had a lot of white. i could scarcely see them and i use a brush poorly.it was someplace that did eyebrow threading. the threading is uncomfortable but for ten dollars i was good tattooed eyebrows are very expensive. they look very natural and i feel better.