Has anyone trieed Keracare Leave-In conditoner


New Member
Has anyone tried Keracare leave-in conditioner. I love Keracare styling products so i decided to purchase their leave in.. It was 17 bucks kinda expensive so i was wondering is it really worth that much?
i have it. I am natural now but i still like it and i liked it when i was relaxed aswell
dayum...17 dollas? i wish i would have known. i would have sent you mines for less, of course. it was OK. not the best, but OK.
Kinda upset they're leavein is not that great not for 17 bucks it didn't detangle my hair at all...I think I'm goin to jus use it all up and never purchase again. Sigh

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Sorry Quita3514 - I know it sucks to have spent the money. I like that Keracare much better as a daily moisturizer than a leave-in. It gives the hair nice shine, without being too greasy to re-apply. I like the way it smells too. :)
It does nothing spectacular for my hair. I'm trying to use the bottle up now. I wouldn't purchase again though.
I like it, very moisturizing, but is is expensive. regular cowashing makes a leave in redundant for my hair type
I have occasionally used my mothers keracare stash here & there. The leave in is wonderful however I will eBay, LHCF exchange, Google beauty supply stores, for KeraCare leave in for under $8

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