Has anyone tried...


New Member
any of the infusium 23 products?


I was thinking about trying them out. I have seen a few reviews and they have all been good for the most part. Just wondering if anyone here has tried them and what their experience was..good, bad, or ugly.
I've used infusium 23 in the brown bottle since I was a young'n. My mommy use to use it on my hair all the time up until about last yr when we ran out. I just bought the moisturologie leave in from big lots for 3$. I like it. It's nice to use to give my hair a little boost of moisture.
well i use mine no less than every 3days... so i like it, but if you're protein sensitive than it might not be a good idea.

but i dont know about the name brand stuff... if you got the moisture one i bet there is way less protein!
Agreed w mzmomo. If your protein sensitive then I wouldn't recommend the original, but the moisturologie has some pretty good ingredients in it.
I love moisturolige and frizzologie is pretty good too. I haven't used them in awhile but they worked for me relaxed and natural and they smell ok too.
I've used original infusium23 since I was about 13. I credit it for some growth because I had my one bad perm burn in my life and the hair was really broken off. I put some on that section every night and through out my hair and it grew in just fine. Now that I'm natural I went back to it after a hiatus due to trying the new kind when I was newly natural and was meet with dryness. But I'm using the original again now in a greg juice spray bottle so I don't have to pour and I like it just fine. :) Only thing is make sure to follow the directions that say DON'T totally wet all your hair lol.
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