Has anyone tried the "HairMax Lasercomb?" ((long)


New Member
Has anyone tried the \"HairMax Lasercomb?\" ((long)

After lurking for some while now, I feel as though I now everyone but no one knows me. I really love this "fam" and hope to become a regular contributor..
I decided to post after reading about Hairlove's recent experience with hair loss. I have been using a lasercomb (specifically Hairmax lasercomb) since Feb and I must tell yall about the wonders it has done for my hair. I purchased the lasercomb not so much to make my hair grow faster or thicker (which it does do, fo'real) but because I have always had some sort of scalp issues (dry, tightness, achy especially as a I neared touch-up time). Since I have been using the comb, I have had none of these problems!! My hair is longer, thicker, and my scalp is issue-less /images/graemlins/cool.gif
I wish yall could see the difference! At work, women are constantly asking me about my hair and commenting on the overall health and thickness (The haters even started rumors that I was preggers and that I had some type of weave!)I plan on buying a scanner so I can start taking pics to add. In addition to the hairmax, I take supplements (the usual suspects), use mainly the same products as most,and I do a Herb tea rinse at the end of every wash. Thanks for listening and thanks for making this forum what it is!!!

D in NYC
Re: Has anyone tried the \"HairMax Lasercomb?\" ((long)

Welcome, /images/graemlins/wave.gif

What is the lasercomb? Is it electric? Shockwave? I've never heard of it.
Re: Has anyone tried the \"HairMax Lasercomb?\" ((long)

You have to tell me more about this comb. Is there online info on this?
Re: Has anyone tried the \"HairMax Lasercomb?\" ((long)

Did you get your comb on EBAY?? I've been reading about the lasercomb but they are very expensive and have worried that the cost may not live up to my expectations. You have me rethinking the lasercomb now!
Re: Has anyone tried the \"HairMax Lasercomb?\" ((long)

The hairmax uses laserlight or photo therapy to stimuate and energize your hair follicles. It is about the size of a hair brush with actual "laserlight" emitting from it. It is FDA approved so it actual does what it claims and that it to make your hair thicker, fuller and improve growth. Like I said, I bought it because I was sick of my scalp problems and had tried everything else under the sun. Although I was not looking specifically to grow more hair, as an added treat my hair has incredible volume, has grown significantly, and is at least I would guess, 40% thicker. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Your're right V. This thing did cost a grip and a sista did eat canned beans and cup-o-noodles for a minute, but to me it was well worth it!! I bought mine straight from the company. Their website is www.LaserComb.net

Re: Has anyone tried the \"HairMax Lasercomb?\" ((long)

$635 that is a lot of $$$$. Does it make your hair grow faster? That is a little much even for a PJ like myself
Re: Has anyone tried the \"HairMax Lasercomb?\" ((long)

Yes it has made my hair grow faster. But you are right for almost 800 bucks, if all you want is longer hair then there are a million ways for growth for less money. But if you are experiencing scalp issues ie dryness,"tightness", etc then I would highly recommend it. Another thing I have noticed since using the comb is my hair texture has changed. My new growth used to come in really hard and coarse. Now my new growth is much softer and the wave pattern is looser. I have high arches in the front(genetic gift from my father- Thanks, Dad!) /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
But since I have started to use the comb, that area which used to be "clean" is now filled with soft "baby hair".
Re: Has anyone tried the \"HairMax Lasercomb?\" ((long)

i have scalp issues and thought about Laser hair therapy but will look into the comb maybe I can find it for cheap somewhere
Re: Has anyone tried the "HairMax Lasercomb?" ((long)

Anyone able to find one for a decent price? I have heard other good things about it, but too pricey for me.
Re: Has anyone tried the "HairMax Lasercomb?" ((long)

Hmmm.........I saw this on Dateline. They had 5 balding men and had them taking different hair growth products. This was one of them. It didn't really work for the one guy....

I'll be searching for a much cheaper one, though!!! :D
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Re: Has anyone tried the "HairMax Lasercomb?" ((long)

Some lhcf's last summer or maybe the one before got the company to offer it to those who were interested for 199.
Re: Has anyone tried the "HairMax Lasercomb?" ((long)

okay cool those are good leads....I also saw an ad on our site on the Ads by Google