Has anyone tried the "Hair Food" cocktail?


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Has anyone tried the \"Hair Food\" cocktail?

Seven Wonders "Hair Food" Cocktail

The following drink contains Protein, Choline, Inositol, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin E and Zinc: The seven ingredients' nutritionists most often recommend for growing healthy hair.

8 Fl oz Plain Yoghurt
8 Fl oz Orange Juice
3 Tablespoons Wheat Germ
3 Tablespoons Brewers Yeast
1 Tablespoon Lecithin Crystals
1 Teaspoon Vitamin C Crystals
1 Raw Egg Yolk
1 Tablespoon Unflavored Gelatine Powder
Honey to Taste (optional)

Combine all the ingredients and blend until smooth. If a blender is not available put all the ingredients into a jar with a lid and shake vigorously.

This tonic makes a quick and nutritious breakfast and will work wonders for your hair.

This cocktail should help just about everyone, and you will certainly notice a difference to your hair once you try it.

Another recommended regime for hair loss which has proved to be very effective is a supplement of the Amino Acids, Zinc and Vitamin C. This supplement is particularly good for people who go on crash diets and find a problem with hair loss, or problems which are less obvious such as women who are losing hair as a result of birth control pills and subsequent vitamin and mineral deficiencies.


Hair loss supplement

A daily vitamin and mineral supplement

B Complex
Pantothenic Acid
Folic Acid
Vitamin A

A daily supplement of the above will help produce healthy hair and helps restore grey hair to its original colour.

0ne multi- vitamin formula 1000mg and 500mg magnesium taken daily can have a great effect on hair growth - There is no guarantee but many people have reported a definite reduction of hair loss with this regime.

Another combination that has produced excellent results with some people is a daily supplement of choline and inositol, 1000mg of each daily.

The Amino Acid L Tyrosine is also recommended for helping hair regain its natural colour.

While there are a number of supplements which can be beneficial, it is important for the diet to improve and take precedence over supplements alone. That said there are enormous benefits to be derived from using vitamins, many food products today have been treated with chemicals during the growing process.

When anyone is embarking on a course of vitamins or minerals they should be aware that results will not happen overnight. Vitamins are not some magic potion that is suddenly going to cure hair loss overnight. They may not do anything for some people but for others they will achieve excellent results with noticeable differences in hair growth and in the slowing down of hair loss.

Results will usually take from about three to four months before the body actually reacts to the effects brought about by the vitamins.

Vitamins should always be taken as directed on the bottle and not more than the stated dosage. An extra helping of a vitamin does not make it work twice as much, besides which it can be dangerous overdosing on certain vitamins. When taking vitamins you may find that you have to take them after a meal otherwise they may cause a stomach upset
Re: Has anyone tried the \"Hair Food\" cocktail?

When they say raw egg yolk do they mean the whole egg including the white or just the yellow yolk?
Re: Has anyone tried the \"Hair Food\" cocktail?

Thanks it sounds interested, but I will try it, one of these days, I had a black seed, rice and milk recipe, strange
Re: Has anyone tried the \"Hair Food\" cocktail?

Thanks for the info! The first drink sounds like it has a lot of good ingredients.