Has anyone tried the cool cap?


New Member
Hey ladies.....just curious....has anyone every tried the cool cap? I did a search here and on google and didn't find much. They claim that it will cut your time under the dryer 50% and keeps you cool. My pibbs kwik dry has already cut my drying time from 2 to 1 hr and if i can cut that down to 1/2 hr..that would be the bomb:lachen: I only saw one review on google and she said that it didn't cut drying time.:perplexed. Has anyone tried it? If not, I just might try it anyway.
Cool Cap - Home
bought 'em, hated 'em. Used one once - it didn't fit over my standing dryer that well and when I finally got it on, it was awkward to use. Also, it didn't increase the temp inside, it actually seemed to concentrate the heat down onto my neck.
You might want to research this instead:


I know someone on this site was inquiring about it a few months ago. It looks like it might work well.
wow..i just bought one because i didn't get any responses at first..lol. I'll post a review once I get them. i'll check out urulax.com
thanks ladies!
wow..i just bought one because i didn't get any responses at first..lol. I'll post a review once I get them. i'll check out urulax.com
thanks ladies!

Let us know how it goes for you.I have a bunch of them in my hair closet that I could give another go. BTW, your hair looks GREAT. I remember you BC video - can't believe your hair has grown out that long all over again.