Has Anyone Tried ORS Hair Fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
Okay folks. I've tried doing a search at least a half dozen times and even double checked the tutorial, but am STILL getting a blank, white screen when I try to search on this topic... :rolleyes::wallbash::rolleyes::wallbash::rolleyes::wallbash: SO, forgive me if this question has already been asked BUT has anyone out there tried ORS hair fertilizer and, if so, what were your results?

My mom used this for her edges.....her edges are still not there, so I don't think it works too good. I haven't heard much talk about it though.
Okay, so I am new to this hair care and all, but I have a jar and I thought the ingredients couldn't harm me, so I tried it. I have a very thin crown and I have been applying it for about a month now. Maybe it is too soon to have results but I think it is awfully better than the "grease" I was using prior. I will be sure to post the results in a bit more time. Also, it has a nice consistency...not greasy and shiny but creamy and absorbing. Time will tell.....But in general i like it!
I tried it, but in all fairness, I didn't use it long enough to give a final verdict. :nono: It probably wouldn't hurt to try though.

I just wanted to know before I waste another dime on worthless products (like Dr. Miracle :rolleyes:). Maybe I'll just stick to Mega Tek, it seems to be working anyway.
I tried it only once but didn't really like it. I had to rinse it outta my hair the next day. Now I don't know what to do with it.
Hmmmm... why am I not surprised to hear that this product isn't living up to it's promises? ;) Thanks for the responses everyone! :yep:
I just wanted to know before I waste another dime on worthless products (like Dr. Miracle :rolleyes:). Maybe I'll just stick to Mega Tek, it seems to be working anyway.

That's what I would do, especially if Mega Tek is working. :yep: I might go back to it if what I'm doing now doesn't work, but that's only because I have practially a full jar of the Balm left. :rolleyes: If I didn't, my next stop would DEFINITELY be OCT or MT.
Okay, so I am new to this hair care and all, but I have a jar and I thought the ingredients couldn't harm me, so I tried it. I have a very thin crown and I have been applying it for about a month now. Maybe it is too soon to have results but I think it is awfully better than the "grease" I was using prior. I will be sure to post the results in a bit more time. Also, it has a nice consistency...not greasy and shiny but creamy and absorbing. Time will tell.....But in general i like it!

That's good. :) Make sure to keep us posted. ;)
It seems like it should work with all the right ingredients yet it doesn't seem to do much. I have some & I would recommend some form of oil instead.
anyone who doesn't want theirs?
I brought another one today after reading the reviews on the wallgreens and they said it takes time but I don't think I want to use it. I loved their carrot oil cream on my scalp and olive oil cream on my hair and ends when I was relaxed but that was almost 5 years ago since i used this combo.
I wouldn't buy this product again. I bought it a couple weeks ago and it has a heavy greasy feel like Vitapointe. My hair does not absorb it like it does with the green ORS moisturizer. I am still using it because I'm wigging, so I put it on the ends of my hair underneath the wig, but i would not wear it on my hair if my hair was out.

It also has a slight tinge of the orange smell that you get with the ORS packs. Some people like that. I don't.
Bumping for more responses. I bought this and the Temple Balm yesterday.
Unfortunately, I was too impatient to stick with with the Temple Balm to give a verdict. :perplexed I've been using ORS olive oil and the EO mixture on my edges and have been tracking my progress in my signature.
I brought another one today after reading the reviews on the wallgreens and they said it takes time but I don't think I want to use it. I loved their carrot oil cream on my scalp and olive oil cream on my hair and ends when I was relaxed but that was almost 5 years ago since i used this combo.
And that's the hardest part. :nono:
I'm sad to see so many complaints about ORS Hair Fertilizer. I love it, if I walk in a store and see they are selling it, I'll buy whatever they have in stock. I alternate between using ORS Hair Fertilizer and Africa's Best Organics Olive & Clover Oil. I find ORS useful when I just need to lightly oil my hair and Africa's Best for when it needs some intense moisturizing. (FYI, Africa's Best Organics also makes a great hot oil treatment)

I've been using it now for the past two months with great results in the crown of my head. I used to wear my hair in braids but last time she braided too tight at the crown of my head that I had a bald spot .5" x 3" (very embarassing) when I took them out. Its growing back nicely now though which is good. If only I could get my temples to cooperate like yours.
I tried it, and it made me itch like mad! - Not a good experience at all [for me]. :nono:
I use the Temple Balm though, and that works great!
I have it and I hate it. I mixed it with some water, EVOO, and NTM Silk touch leave in, and ORS Olive Oil and I like it alot more. LOL.

I also mixed it with Ampro Clear Ice Gel and some other things and I like that.

It works better as a mix in than as a stand alone.

I added some jheri curl juice to the highlighted mixture this morning too. Again, I like it mixed in with other things, I just dont' like it as a stand alone.
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I bought the hair fertilizer because I've been using a lot of the other products from the ORS line and they work really good. For me personally it's not a keeper because I used the entire jar and saw very little results. One thing I like about it is that it doesn't have a lot of follicle clogging ingredients like petroleum. I started using the ORS olive oil cream (shorter jar w/ green top) after I learned how hair grease is NOT my friend! I just got my MT 2 weeks ago and I've seen more progress in just one week of use so for now I'm sticking with that. HTH!
I tried both the fertilizer and the temple balm. Hated them both! The fertilizer did nothing for my hair at all and I used the temple balm and noticed no changes to my edges after a month. Bad, bad, bad...
It's says it " strengthen and nourish weak and damaged hair." I think it more like a protein or strengthening leave-in. Has anyone tried it for that or had similar results?