Has Anyone Tried Jane Carter Solution??


I received a sample of Jane Carter Hair Solution Nourish and Shine and I was wondering has anyone ever tried this and what do you think of it. I like the fact that it's supposed to be all natural. If you have tried it and liked it are there any other products from this line that you would recommend?
I use it and love it. It gives my hair a lot of shine. I don't use it everyday, but I did use it yesterday for an air dry.
A very generous member sent me some of the nourish and shine, and I love it...it smells so good, and when I use it to seal during airdrying, my ends stay soft for days! It also works well for straightned hair, but just a tiny bit is enough!
i use the nourish and shine and love it. it's a staple product. great for sealing and i use it when i airdry as well. i also use the hair nourishing cream. both are great. hope that it works for you!
i use the nourish and shine and love it. it's a staple product. great for sealing and i use it when i airdry as well. i also use the hair nourishing cream. both are great. hope that it works for you!

IA: 2 Members Here sent me both of these products! I had wanted to try them, so it was a Generous and Nice Surprise.:grin: :blush: