Has anyone tried Glover's Growth Blends?


New Member
We see the banner ad for it on practically EVERY page here on lhcf. Has anyone actually tried this product or even been interested in trying it out?
Yes, they gave out samples last year I think. I like the Herbal one, it really helped soften my new growth. I just haven't bought any yet.
I have some samples stashed somewhere. I used the herbal blend too, it's nice but it is straight up grease :lachen:
This was somewhat a staple in many homes when I was a child. "It will grow hair", if you can stand the smell. I used to use it, and I got remarks "where's that bacon smell coming from?" It's so strong, it would sometime keep me awake at night. I used on my youngest daughter when she was small. Her hair just wouldn't grow. Once I used Glover's her hair started to shoot out! They have a lighter scent on the market today.
I still have my samples, haven't tried them yet. They're all mostly petroleum, mineral oil, and sulfur. :yep: