Has Anyone Recoved From Hair Loss?


I experimented with daily washings for 2- 3 weeks and loss a lot of hair. I'm seeking information/advise on how to re-grow my hair. I wore braids for 2 months after the loss (then relaxed). I didn't experience any additional hair loss, (only during the experiment) instead I gain about an inch of growth.

Has anyone recovered from hair loss, especially due to an experiment gone wrong? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My album shows the condition of my hair. My edges have always been thin but not this thin. The products pictured are: (I haven't had any problems with the products).
1. Dr. Woods- Pure Almond Castile Soap
2. Aubrey's Organics - Rose Mosquetta Conditioner
3. Aubrey's Organics - Swimmers' Conditioner
4. Carol's Daughter - Lisa's Hair Elixir
5. Doo Gro - Leave-in Growth Treatment (I purchased this week)
6. Doo Gro - Medicated Hair Vitalizer - Mega thick (I purchased this week)
7. Carol's Daughter - Healthy Hair Butter
8. (not pictured) Carol's Daughter - Tui Hair Smoothie

(I think that using the Pure Almond Castile soap was the culprit.)
I don't use these products in the same session or during the same week just various combinations.

I think it's best you see a doc or dermatologist if you can before it gets any worse.

it certainly looks like some sort of diffuse hair loss/thinning but it could be a variety of things that are causing it: stress, diet, thyroid, allergic/chemical reaction or out of wack hormones.

there's are many different things you can try at home like the essential oils and monoxidil. but make your appointment first and ask them if they think it's ok if you try these remedies until they can see you.

my alopecias were bald patches, all have hair growth. the one at my crown was the one that sent me to a derm but months later, i found 2 more by accident (by then they were already beginning to fill in).

hang in there and make that appointment!!

Well I had a bald spot in the middle of my head... I did a hot oil treatment with dr. miracle oil overnight and then I did a quick weave for 6 weeks and when I took that out my hair grew back....

I hope this helps!!!
Re: Has anyone recovered from hair loss?

I lost hair in random shiny patches from birth control shots all I did in that case was discontinue the shots and my hair came back (almost a year later):perplexed . I've also had a few bouts with my temple area I recovered by chilling out on the tight hair styles, putting in braids, and MTG. I haven't had anymore problems since. :)
I lost hair in the back of my head close to my nape...practically bald in that area due to relaxer overprocessing; however, I finally got it to grow back by moisturizing daily with Sta-Sof-Fro and doing a deep conditioning every 5 days. (a conditioner that strenghtens and mositurize the hair). HTH.
alona said:
I experimented with daily washings for 2- 3 weeks and loss a lot of hair. I'm seeking information/advise on how to re-grow my hair. I wore braids for 2 months after the loss (then relaxed). I didn't experience any additional hair loss, (only during the experiment) instead I gain about an inch of growth.

Has anyone recovered from hair loss, especially due to an experiment gone wrong? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My album shows the condition of my hair. My edges have always been thin but not this thin. The products pictured are: (I haven't had any problems with the products).
1. Dr. Woods- Pure Almond Castile Soap
2. Aubrey's Organics - Rose Mosquetta Conditioner
3. Aubrey's Organics - Swimmers' Conditioner
4. Carol's Daughter - Lisa's Hair Elixir
5. Doo Gro - Leave-in Growth Treatment (I purchased this week)
6. Doo Gro - Medicated Hair Vitalizer - Mega thick (I purchased this week)
7. Carol's Daughter - Healthy Hair Butter
8. (not pictured) Carol's Daughter - Tui Hair Smoothie

(I think that using the Pure Almond Castile soap was the culprit.)
I don't use these products in the same session or during the same week just various combinations.

Both my mom and my sister did. My mom it was bizarre. She got it done and when she took the cornrows out she had this totally smooth patch of scalp. All the hair was just gone. :shocked: And my sister's loss was from lupus. It was bald and red...both came back through prayer and pampam (this product my aunt sent from Ghana that's used to treat scalp "issues").
The thing about hair loss is that if it's external damage, caused from styling or the use of the wrong products, you will probably recover so long as you haven't damaged the follicle. Daily washings wouldn't do that. A chemical process gone wrong could result in scarring of the scalp, which a dermatologist can diagnose with a scalp biopsy.

Typically, non-chemical or heriditary damage can be repaired so long as it wasn't severe or allowed to continue for an excessive amount of time. You're using a lot of products. I was diagnosed with scarring alopecia and I also have hereditary thinning along the edges. I tried a lot of potions that didn't show results. Now that I just wash, condition, treat my hair gently and don't relax as often I am finally slowing starting to fill in some. Those products may work on less serious loss, however--but I would choose one and stick with it for at least one month to give it time to work, then evaluate progress and decide whether to continue using that or switch to something else.

I tried the Dr. Woods- Pure Almond Castile Soap once to wash my hair and it was a disaster. It was so drying to my hair and it felt gummy and dirty. Be careful with it.
I am recovering from thinning and balding patches. most of my bald areas grew back. I have come to the conclusion that products do cause hair loss. My md and dermatologist confirmed that i had no hormone or any body issues. I stopped using everything i was using (surge) and just used pure oils. Later on I decided to use the surge again to help the edges since i thought the hair loss was over. sure enough other patches fell out. I was using dr miracles in the past week and i got itchy bumps like i did before my hair fell out. I had to stop using that as well.
I heard that people get some bad reactions from corizone shot like depressed, or concaves in the region where the shot was applied.

Here is what I suggest. I know it may seem simple but i would suggest castor oil that has rinoleic acid. I used quantum castor oil. it is used in castor oil packs for healing and detoxing the body. I found it because of an md who suggested this brand for doing castor oil packs. http://www.phpure.com/q_nutrition_products.htm. I have been using castor oil from the start of my hair loss and it stopped my itching, red bumps and my hair has regrown in all my patchy areas. better than that, i am sprouting new hair. i didnt realize how much hair i lost until i saw the short hairs come up. i am also using nioxin for the same length of time. I did a detox as well. my hair loss started in september. now i am having hairs growing everywhere.