Has anyone purchased one of these heating caps?

I purchased the cap from the seller. I like for times when I don't feel like pulling out my Pibbs. I microwave it for 1 minute, turn the cap inside out and microwave it for another minute. This provides about 20 good minutes of heat. I'm pleased with it.
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I have it. I prefer my electric heat cap. I dont get enough heat from this .
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I have one. I like it well enough. I'm glad I bought it. We don't like to be tied down while we deep condition.
It didn't provide enough heat for me. I ended up throwing it out. I plan on getting the heat therapy wrap to replace it.

It is also quite heavy.
I like it for when I'm being super lazy and don't want to pull out the dryer for pre-poos.
Not enough long lasting heat for a DC for me.
I still swear by my good ol' Mastex Heat Cap.

Although it is Electrical and you are confined to one spot.

Heats like a champ and has 3 speeds. (Hi, Med, Lo)