Has anyone *never* had a good relaxer?


New Member
I got my first relaxer at 14, and I'm 17 now. My first one was Phytorelaxer, which after a few days didn't look like I'd relaxed at all. The second one was Vitale, which burned really badly. Couldn't keep it on long enough for it to do anything, so when I washed it off my hair was back to normal and I had scabbies for a few days. The third relaxer I had relaxed some parts of my hair but not others. So now I have 3 textures on my hair: Top natural, middle texlaxed, ends bone straight. Each and every relaxer I've specified "bone straight."

Anyone else go through this? It's a little discouraging imo. I ask because I'm thinking of relaxing so I can wear my hair out when I don't have braids in. But I don't know if I should even bother.
every time i've self-relaxed, i come out texturized. this past one was really bad- i relaxed on 12/29, and found really nice waves on the top. well i washed last night, and realized that the "waves" were patches of hair that barely got touched by relaxer at all!

i'm doing my 1st ever corrective in a month.

but don't be discouraged! it's better to be underprocessed than overprocessed.

and i used to have problems with relaxers burning the mess out of my scalp, but i find adding 2 or 3 tablespoons of your favorite oil really cuts down on burning.
I have problably had a handful of good relaxers in the 20 years or so that I was relaxed. That is one of the many reasons that I am transitioning to natural. I would always have some parts 70% (or less) relaxed and others 90% relaxed. I did have one hairdresser who was able to get my hair relaxed uniformly, but she moved 600 miles away.
I got my first relaxer at 14, and I'm 17 now. My first one was Phytorelaxer, which after a few days didn't look like I'd relaxed at all. The second one was Vitale, which burned really badly. Couldn't keep it on long enough for it to do anything, so when I washed it off my hair was back to normal and I had scabbies for a few days. The third relaxer I had relaxed some parts of my hair but not others. So now I have 3 textures on my hair: Top natural, middle texlaxed, ends bone straight. Each and every relaxer I've specified "bone straight."

Anyone else go through this? It's a little discouraging imo. I ask because I'm thinking of relaxing so I can wear my hair out when I don't have braids in. But I don't know if I should even bother.

Are you having these relaxer experiences with a stylist or are you doing it yourself? If you're doing it yourself, perhaps you could go to a stylist and get a corrective relaxer done, then get some help for your touch-ups. HTH
All stylists, too afraid to do it myself.

Now that's just a shame. I don't know what area of the country you live in, but if you're anywhere close to Atlanta, I hear that Balisi is awesome! I'm about 3 hours away from her, and I know that if my appointment with my regular stylist doesn't go well this week, Balisi's getting a call from me!
i gotten a few good ones but i've also had my share of bad ones. could someone explain in detail how to correctly do a relaxer?
I'm nowhere near Atlanta. The major city I'm closest to is Detroit, followed by Cleveland, followed by Columbus.
in my relaxer days i did

i remember when i was 12/13 and begged my mom for a perm. she took me to get one and not only did my hair not take it stripped my hair of its natural color and it turned reddish brown

shortly after it started breaking off badly. i went from armpit hair to above shoulder length

a few other times my hair would underprocess in some areas while over processing in others even when someone started the thickest part of my hair first

my last time at a hair dresser the woman couldn't get the natural "wave" out of one side of my head and basically left the relaxer in buring up my hair even when i was complaining it was burning. my hair was so beat down it was just falling out

after that i tried to get other people i knew with a license do my hair but it would always turn out the same-messed up!

my hair does not like chemicals. it was always breaking and struggling