Has Anyone Here Ever Used This Product???


New Member

I've been fighting with my hair again because of dryness from the hot weather and recently decided to try shea butter. It works great. I find that using it when my natural hair is wet and still straight that it forms nice waves. So now I would like to try the shampoo/conditioner for the summer months.

Has anyone ever used this product or similar?

Has anyone ever ordered from this company. I see that they are based in Ohio.

Thanks all.
I've used the hair & scalp serum. I liked it and it has a wonderful scent, but I found it didn't do anything other oils didn't do.
My sister used to use this when she was natural. She liked and I believe she might still use it now, or just the left over....I wanted to try it and now that I see its nicely priced might have to run to the BSS and get me some.