Has Anyone Henna'd and Relaxed in the same day?


New Member
What do you think about this? I haven't relaxed in a few months almost (18 weeks post). I would like to Henna my hair because the strength it added to my hair the last time was insurmountable, but my SIL/hairstylist said the next time she removes my tracks she wants to relax my hair. I plan on using Mizani Butter Blends as opposed to my regular Dr. Miracles so that is going Lye from No-Lye. I wonder if it would help to Henna first and then relax immediately afterwards. Has anyone done this before?
I wanted to do this soo bad yesterday but didn't I thought it would be just too much for one day, you know prepping the henna and all that so I'm saving it for next week.
I've been doing it for a while now. As long as you're using BAQ henna you should be fine.

ETA: I henna after I relax, you mentioned relaxing immediately after hennaing, your hair would be wet from rinsing the henna out and you can't relax wet hair
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What do you think about this? I haven't relaxed in a few months almost (18 weeks post). I would like to Henna my hair because the strength it added to my hair the last time was insurmountable, but my SIL/hairstylist said the next time she removes my tracks she wants to relax my hair. I plan on using Mizani Butter Blends as opposed to my regular Dr. Miracles so that is going Lye from No-Lye. I wonder if it would help to Henna first and then relax immediately afterwards. Has anyone done this before?

DON'T DO IT!!!! This is how I lost my hair last March! I used Silk Elements regular strength No-Lye relaxer which was great. But my hair back then was no where near as strong is it is now. I noticed after the relaxer that long strands of my hair were coming out so I wanted to stop it and like a fool, I applied henna to my hair. I WAS BALD ON THE ENTIRE RIGHT SIDE OF MY HAIR FROM THE FRONT TO JUST BEHIND MY EAR! :blush: And I lost so much hair in the back that it was less than an inch in growth. For the next 3 months I was combing over hair from the right side just to cover the bald spot! Thanks to Gro Aut Oils, Mega Tek and Ovation Cell Therapy and reading up on how to really strengthen and take care of your hair, my hair finally grew back in less than a month. It's almost been a year and the hair I lost now measures to just past my jaw. The moral of this nightmare? DON'T DO IT! If you need protein before a relaxer I suggest you build up to it, like applying Mega-Tek and OCT a week before. Right after a relaxer, before I apply the neutralizing shampoo, I apply a mixture of both Mega-Tek and OCT and work through my hair and leave on for no more than five minutes. The cuticles and pores of my hair shaft are still open and penetration is maximized with ZERO hair loss. But the only reasosn why is because my hair was already strengthened and healthy due to proper care and a good balance of protein and moisture prior and also stretching for at least 8 to 13 weeks. DON'T DO THE HENNA THING!!!

Ok now I'm done! :rolleyes:
wait... I just re-read your post. Please do not henna your hair and then relax immediately afterwards. Wait a week. Please disregard my other advice.
I've been doing it for a while now. As long as you're using BAQ henna you should be fine.

ETA: I henna after I relax, you mentioned relaxing immediately after hennaing, your hair would be wet from rinsing the henna out and you can't relax wet hair

Noted...So Henna immediately post-relaxer has worked well for you? What differences did you notice?
DON'T DO IT!!!! This is how I lost my hair last March! I used Silk Elements regular strength No-Lye relaxer which was great. But my hair back then was no where near as strong is it is now. I noticed after the relaxer that long strands of my hair were coming out so I wanted to stop it and like a fool, I applied henna to my hair. I WAS BALD ON THE ENTIRE RIGHT SIDE OF MY HAIR FROM THE FRONT TO JUST BEHIND MY EAR! :blush: And I lost so much hair in the back that it was less than an inch in growth. For the next 3 months I was combing over hair from the right side just to cover the bald spot! Thanks to Gro Aut Oils, Mega Tek and Ovation Cell Therapy and reading up on how to really strengthen and take care of your hair, my hair finally grew back in less than a month. It's almost been a year and the hair I lost now measures to just past my jaw. The moral of this nightmare? DON'T DO IT! If you need protein before a relaxer I suggest you build up to it, like applying Mega-Tek and OCT a week before. Right after a relaxer, before I apply the neutralizing shampoo, I apply a mixture of both Mega-Tek and OCT and work through my hair and leave on for no more than five minutes. The cuticles and pores of my hair shaft are still open and penetration is maximized with ZERO hair loss. But the only reasosn why is because my hair was already strengthened and healthy due to proper care and a good balance of protein and moisture prior and also stretching for at least 8 to 13 weeks. DON'T DO THE HENNA THING!!!

Ok now I'm done! :rolleyes:

Wow! I haven't heard of Henna destroying anyone's hair before! Are you sure it wasn't from overprocessing the relaxer? I lost the entire left front side of my hair after my first relaxer when I was 15, which I think was due to overprocessing. The relaxer itself was beautiful, but 2 weeks later the left side with about .5 inches long from breakage while the rest was mid-back length. Have you used Henna since?
I will definitely not Henna before my relaxer (THANKS LADIES FOR THE FERVENT WARNINGS...sounds like it would have been a HUGE mistake), but what about Henna immediately post? I trust you ladies, so if you tell me no I will not, but the only thing is after my relaxer, my SIL/hairstylist will re-sew my three tracks in and I would have to wait another 2 months before she takes them out to apply the Henna. I have no intention of wasting henna with the tracks in.
I would also think twice about relaxing right after taking down a sew in. I had a sew in many moons ago and was advised to let my hair and scalp rest a week or two before getting a relaxer.
I would also think twice about relaxing right after taking down a sew in. I had a sew in many moons ago and was advised to let my hair and scalp rest a week or two before getting a relaxer.

I wish this were possible. I actually have three tracks sewn in for bulk, so it isn't a full sew-in. I have had this hair in so long that everyone believes it is mine at work and I don't want to shock anyone and have to give explanations after 5 years at the job.:lachen:
Can you please not relax immediately after taking out your sew-in? For the sake of your real hair? It's so much healthier to wait a while... maybe a week or two. Deep condition your hair for a few weeks. Don't worry about your co-workers, it's you that has to do your hair, not them.
Can you please not relax immediately after taking out your sew-in? For the sake of your real hair? It's so much healthier to wait a while... maybe a week or two. Deep condition your hair for a few weeks. Don't worry about your co-workers, it's you that has to do your hair, not them.

:cry: at the love Sis-in-Locs!!! I love you ladies here at LHCF because we are TRULY here in support of each other and our hair care journeys! See Angelicus, you got me all emotional and stuff!

I don't know if it makes any difference, but I am almost 18 weeks post and my tracks are hanging low. My roots are all exposed and haven't been strained by the tracks for a WHILE now. I think my biggest concern with the relaxer now is my demarcation point and how it will react to the switchover to Lye (Mizani BB) vs. No-Lye (Dr. Miracles).

In actuality I was thinking about grabbing a wig to give my hair a little breather. So many things to consider.
Noted...So Henna immediately post-relaxer has worked well for you? What differences did you notice?

Yep, I've done it with my last 3 relaxers. I love how my hair feels afterwards, strong & moisturized. My plan is to continue doing it this way. As far as relaxing right after removing a sew in I have no experience w/ it but I would definitely listen to the advice given by the other ladies regarding it. Keep in mind I've only used 2 types of henna for this, Reshma & Karishma....both contain other herbs. If you do a search you'll find quite a few threads about relaxing & hennaing the same day. GOOD LUCK!
The healthy thing to do is let your hair rest after coming out of braids (especially micros) or weaves. I know people relax the same day they take them out, and some with great success but this it is not a wise thing to do if your goal is healthy strong hair. Wig it or bun it for a good week or two. Give yourself time to get a good couple of DCs in and co-washes in before you relax.

Also if your hair is not healthy I would error on the side of caution with the henna and work with protein reconstructors instead until your hair gets stronger.

This is IMO, I had a set back or two in my day and now I take caution with my hair. I don't get in a BAH, that leads to disaster.
Yep, I've done it with my last 3 relaxers. I love how my hair feels afterwards, strong & moisturized. My plan is to continue doing it this way. As far as relaxing right after removing a sew in I have no experience w/ it but I would definitely listen to the advice given by the other ladies regarding it. Keep in mind I've only used 2 types of henna for this, Reshma & Karishma....both contain other herbs. If you do a search you'll find quite a few threads about relaxing & hennaing the same day. GOOD LUCK!
Do you mind sharing your henna mixture?
Do you mind sharing your henna mixture?

Hey lady, it's me msshic in case you didn't know......

*100 gms of henna
*Hot water
*TRESemme' moisturizing conditioner
*Meadowfoam oil

I added just enough hot water to make a thick cake batter. Covered the plastic bowl and let it sit overnight (10-12 hrs).

I relaxed, proteined, neutralized, let my hair airdry for 20-30 mins. I then added 2 tblspns of oil, 6 tblspns of conditioner.

Sectioned hair into 4 & saturated my hair with the henna mixture. Covered w/ a plastic cap, then a turbie towel and waited 2 hrs. I rinsed in warm water, applied TRESemme' conditioner. Repeat about 4-5 xs until the water was clear. I then shampooed w/ Keracare Hydrating, Conditioned for 1 hr w/ Keracare Humecto. Proceeded to style.


when I'm feeling lazy and don't want too much color I just add a couple of tablespoons to my conditioner (ORS), slather it on and let it sit w/ a cap for 45 mins. Rinse & style. I think I may like the latter better b/c it's 2 steps in one, plus the ORS gives me so much slip I don't have much grit to rinse away.
Yep, I've done it with my last 3 relaxers. I love how my hair feels afterwards, strong & moisturized. My plan is to continue doing it this way. As far as relaxing right after removing a sew in I have no experience w/ it but I would definitely listen to the advice given by the other ladies regarding it. Keep in mind I've only used 2 types of henna for this, Reshma & Karishma....both contain other herbs. If you do a search you'll find quite a few threads about relaxing & hennaing the same day. GOOD LUCK!

I think I am going to do the relaxer and henna in the same day, but I am going to give my hair a week's breather first. Length is not my issue...I use the 3 tracks for bulk. I should be able to slick my hair back into a bun so the "weight loss" isn't noticeable.
I relax then henna and DC. I have been for a little over a year now and it works really well for my hair. I usually do an overnight DC and my day after hair feels wonderful.
Hey lady, it's me msshic in case you didn't know......

*100 gms of henna
*Hot water
*TRESemme' moisturizing conditioner
*Meadowfoam oil

I added just enough hot water to make a thick cake batter. Covered the plastic bowl and let it sit overnight (10-12 hrs).

I relaxed, proteined, neutralized, let my hair airdry for 20-30 mins. I then added 2 tblspns of oil, 6 tblspns of conditioner.

Sectioned hair into 4 & saturated my hair with the henna mixture. Covered w/ a plastic cap, then a turbie towel and waited 2 hrs. I rinsed in warm water, applied TRESemme' conditioner. Repeat about 4-5 xs until the water was clear. I then shampooed w/ Keracare Hydrating, Conditioned for 1 hr w/ Keracare Humecto. Proceeded to style.


when I'm feeling lazy and don't want too much color I just add a couple of tablespoons to my conditioner (ORS), slather it on and let it sit w/ a cap for 45 mins. Rinse & style. I think I may like the latter better b/c it's 2 steps in one, plus the ORS gives me so much slip I don't have much grit to rinse away.

Hey girl! You switched up identities on me! :lol: That's great advice with the ORS, I love that stuff and it's good to hear I can use it for my henna glossings!!!
Using henna (then washing it out of your hair - an abrasive substance on the scalp) then relaxing your hair (which can burn if you have so much as gently washed your hair in the past 3 days) is a no-no, surely.
Using henna (then washing it out of your hair - an abrasive substance on the scalp) then relaxing your hair (which can burn if you have so much as gently washed your hair in the past 3 days) is a no-no, surely.

But, what do you think about the reverse? Relaxing and then henna immediately after?
I'm bumping this because I'm planning on using Henna and Indigo to dye my hair jet black and I don't know when the best time to do it is.

Should I use henna/indigo prior to relaxing or right after?
I'm bumping this because I'm planning on using Henna and Indigo to dye my hair jet black and I don't know when the best time to do it is.

Should I use henna/indigo prior to relaxing or right after?
You should do it after relaxing. Wait a week or 2. Some people, like myself, do not wait. If you burn during your relaxer, definitely do not apply henna or indigo to your hair until your burns are completely healed.
Thanks, I guess I'll have to walk around with some gray hair for a while.

Have you noticed that relaxers have stripped your color from the henna?
I am bumping this cause it is very interesting.
For those that relax then henna what have u noticed about ur hair stength, shine, shedding?
Well for the last couple of relaxers since I started this thread I have used henna immediately after....with GREAT results. I have since stopped wearing the sew-ins and cut my hair. It has been great. Now I don't know if I can do it any other way!
For those of you who go to the salon for relaxers & henna on the same day...do you apply henna to freshly relaxed dry hair or re-wet hair and apply henna?