Has anyone had problems with Queen Helene Cholesterol?


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies, I was doing an overnight dc last night with Queen Helene Cholesterol (tub with red writing and a white lid) when I noticed that the ingredients had mineral oil and sodium lauryl sulfate. Has anyone had issues with this deep conditioner ? I havent yet, but if anyone has let me know so I wont do overnight treatments with it. :ohwell:
Nope. I recently started using it as my base for pre-pooing. I normally mix it with oils, reconstructor and other conditioners and I love it.
I've been using it for over 10 years. I deep conditioned with it last night. Lately, I have been adding SAA and olive oil to it and it leaves my hair soft, silky and moisturized.
It's one of my favorite DC's. I mix it with coconut oil, castor oil, and peppermint EO's hair always comes out soft. I think the idea of adding SAA's is a good one along with other treatments. I've used all kinds of brands of cholesterol without any adverse affects! :grin:
No, I just finished some I found under my sink. My hair felt so good. I just left some in by mistake and my co-worker said I had N-_-T in my hair. I was embarrassed, but I went out and bought another tub. Good stuff. Just make sure to rinse well.
Only used it once, it was ehhhhhh. :ohwell: My issue with it is that it has SLS and I can't figure out why a conditioner would need it. Seems like it would counteract any conditioning.
i used the regular kind for years and got great results, especially when i left it on overnight. i recently got the one w aloe vera added...didn't work as well at all.
Before LHCF this was a staple. I didn't know that they still sell it. I will certainly buy it again if I could find it. My hair was super healthy.
Queen Helene is a staple. I used it with a heating cap and have slept in it without any problems. A couple of months ago, I was surprised by the ingredients but kept it anyway because it works. Other cholesterol conditioners didn't do anything for my hair.
I love it. I just went down to Destin Beach in Florida, and I took this as my deep conditioner after playing around in the ocean. It works wonders on my tangles. This just reminds me that I need to get more because I'm all out.
Love it. I have it in my hair right now. This is the ONLY deep conditioner I use. It is so thick and creamy and my hair is so moisturized after using it.
This is a throw back! I used to use this when I was a teenager, before, healthy hair care; I haven't picked this DC up in years though.
It's one of my staples and I love it. I deep condition with it every week and I often mix it with olive oil, honey or mayo depending on whether I want a moisturizing DC or a protein DC. Never had any problems with it.