Has anyone had growth from apply Msm on their scalp?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had success growing out their hair by apply Msm or Sulfur (Sulphur) to their scalp?

I already take Msm as an supplement. I heard someone say that you can apply Msm on the scalp and receive growth, but I haven't seen reviews yet.

Had anyone had success?
Hmmm, I have used flowers of sulfur on my scalp to assist in growth before and yes it worked. I take MSM topically and apply MSM mixed in my DC also. My hair grows at a rate of 6" per year which isn't more than normal though I don't think.
I haven't used MSM topically, but I do take MSM as a supplement (as well as other supplements) I have read multiple articles regarding using actual garlic topically (for issues such as bald spots or thinning edges) for an hour every night before bed (followed by vitamin E oil overnight) that claim that it can be successful.

Both MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) and garlic are both good sources for sulfur, but I think that the topical application would be less effective.

Also- I cook with fresh garlic very often, and I know from experience how difficult it is to get rid of the oil (hence the smell) off my fingers after I'm done cooking. Sometimes even after a thorough scrubbing my fingers still smell a bit like garlic. I can imaging that putting mashed garlic on your scalp would make you smell like you've been in a kitchen all day even after a shampoo.

I wouldn't be able to tolerate that.
I have been considering this recently as I am still nursing and I am wary of taking msm orally because of possible side effects. I did apply a bit of msm crystal powder dissolved in water to my DC, left white patches all over my back and top.

So, anyway, Bumppppp!
Question, For a "sulphur" based topically hair serum/oil, is MSM better or actual sulphur?

I don't think its a question of what is better. Both work for many people. However, some can't use sulfur topically, so getting enough internally (via MSM or garlic) helps.

Personally, I hedge my bets and do both. Use a little sulfur topically and take MSM/garlic tablets. My hair hasn't suffered.
I don't think its a question of what is better. Both work for many people. However, some can't use sulfur topically, so getting enough internally (via MSM or garlic) helps.

Personally, I hedge my bets and do both. Use a little sulfur topically and take MSM/garlic tablets. My hair hasn't suffered.

Thanks, I was wondering was one considered stronger than the other or one produce faster results than the other.