I began my "healthy regime" with Motions product line...Lavish Shampoo, Moisture Plus Conditioner, CPR Shapoo, CPR Conditioner, Nourish Leave In, Foaming Wrap, Oil Sheen & Conditioning Spray, & Moisture Enhancing Hairdressing.
I'm not fond of the Foaming Wrap... it's effective but it's too sticky. I'm using it sparingly until it's gone... I've had the same bottle since Sept/02.
Moisture Enhancing Hairdressing is pretty good. It's very moisturizing. It also has a very STRONG scent... the smell gives me a headache... I use it maybe once a month.
Oil Sheen & Conditioning Spray... I haven't used it in several months, but it conditions very well. My hair was really soft, bouncy & shiney. Hey, I need to break out this spray again
The shampoos, conditioners, & leave in are AWESOME
. They are the absolute core of my regime.
. The shampoos cleanse well & gives much slip; the moisture conditioner gives me tons of volume & makes my hair very soft & moisturized. CPR keeps breakage at a minimum. The leave in detangles wonderfully.