Has anyone felt this way? Is it normal?


Well-Known Member
I think I'm scared of commitment. My last relationship ended terribly and I've basically found a way to end things between any guy I've "dated" since then. The guy I'm seeing now, I was head over heels for the day we met. I was convinced he was my soulmate. We're a month in & I feel like I'm just over it. But let me tell you, guys like him don't come around often. He's amazing in every way possible, he's legit everything I've always wanted in a person & suddenly I'm distancing myself from him for no reason. Idk if I'll get over it with time, or if I'm truly not into him anymore.

Has anyone else experienced this? What was the outcome? Do you wait it out or run for the door?
You are a self saboteur. You have to actively work on that so it doesn't ruin or rule your life. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/high-octane-women/201106/the-seven-deadly-sins-self-saboteurs-and-what-can-be-done-stop-the-sel
It's normal, but not healthy, if you know what I mean. So many people do this, including myself. You're right, it's not conscious.

Besides the advice given in that article, you gotta stick it out with your dude and work through it. That is, if deep down you know he's right for you when you look past your sabotaging. It's pretty much what I'm doing as I work on my crazy.

Good therapy helps as well. :)