Has anyone ever used or heard of Actramoist by clintex?


New Member
Has anyone ever heard of Actramoist Hair activator softner?

My hair was extremely dry today it really was disturbing. I admit i have slacked off lately, I didn't DC my hair in a while.Anyway, I wason my way to work and noticed my hair was beyond dry...So I stopped at a nearby store to get something to moisturize my hair. I noticed this White bottle with Purple writing on it. It's called Actramoist, Hair activator Softner.

Has anyone ever used it? Anyone ever heard of it? What is in it? All the bottle says is:

- Activates
- Softens

ALl that without oil build up...

I have never EVER heard of this brand or product. Anyone can give me more insight on it. The ingrediants are not listed on the bottle :ohwell:
Well look what I just discovered about my mystery product... Some of you might remember the black hair documentary about Korean owned stores selling black hair products...

Well I got an update!!! In the documentary there is a man that owns his own hair manufacture, he created his own hair products etc. The man in the footage ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azfEeDRvdlc) , is the owner of Clintex. His hair products was not available in stores and was only available through US hair salons...
WELL not anymore!!!!!!!!!!! I bought his spray at ZELLERS and I'm in Ontario Canada...Things are getting better for the man.:lachen: I feel somewhat releived.:lol: