Has anyone ever use the"Baka Beauty Natural-Laxer"


New Member
Has anyone ever use the\"Baka Beauty Natural-Laxer\"

Has anyone ever used this while transitioing from relaxed to
natural,it is suppose to be "Chemical Free" but we all know
how that goes,so I just wanna know if anyone has used it and
does it help with softening the new growth,or just leave it

Thanks Ladies
Re: Has anyone ever use the\"Baka Beauty Natural-Laxer\"

I have not used it, but have seen it on the "Internet. $12 for one use. I will try the Coconut Milk and Lime
(about 1 dollar) before I try the Baka. It is supposed to make your hair strong. Seems to have same components as MSM. Do a search on this board for MSM or MSM powder.

Hope this helps!