
Well-Known Member
Interlocking Weave? My mother is having this done this morning. I thought she was talking about infusion because she had to buy hair in bulk off the weft. but the stylist told her that she is going to sew this hair in place and that she will have to return to the stylist to have it removed. She is also going to get a relaxer and a rinse at the same time. Even though this is a wash out rinse, couldnt this still be harmful to have done on the same day in one setting? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.
Did she have it done with a net?

To be honest, I would never condone perming and weaving on the same day for the simple fact that freshly relaxed hair does not hold the cornrows as well, because it's too soft. She'd be better off waiting a few weeks when she has enough new growth to sustain the tracks.
I dont know how she will have it done. I've never heard of this type weave at all. But the hair is not on tracks. so how can the stylist sew it in? I wanted to be there when she got it done, but I had to put my car in the shop yesterday and wont get it back till after I get off work this afternoon. I dont approve of what she's doing, but she's my mom, who am I to tell her.
I agree with Karonica.. Maybe she should just touchup the areas of her hair that will be blended with the weave..< the edges>. freshly relaxed hair may be to soft and fragile to hold a braid let alone the tension from the weave. but there is nothing wrong with relaxing and rinsing the hair on the same day.
ladydee36330 said:
I dont know how she will have it done. I've never heard of this type weave at all. But the hair is not on tracks. so how can the stylist sew it in?

[/ QUOTE ]

If she bought wefted hair, it has to be sewn on some kinda way. That's why I'm thinking there is a net involved. Generally, the interlocking technique is taking strands of hair through the cornrow and tying it down (just think of crochets). But since, she bought wefted hair.....Even so, I still don't think she knows what she's doing. But like Chyna said, it is an okay idea to touch up the edges which would be exposed if she didn't opt for an entire full weave. Even then, I wouldn't bother, yuh know?
But isnt wefted hair the same as that on tracks. this hair is loose. no tracks just a bundle of loose hair. like the type that is used for infusion
I am thinking that interlocking weave is where they cornrow her hair and then add loose hair into the cornrow as they go along...only instead of including the hair into the cornrow and making it lie down like you would when doing extension cornrows, you leave it sticking out and cornrow over it to hold it in place and then add more hair as you move along. I think someone on the forum has either done it or seen it done and I am writing what I remember from her description. She explained it so well that I have a mental image of how it's done, even though I do a lousy job of putting that into words.
Thanks Ladies, I think what she is talking about is the straight crochet pictured in the first link you posted Karonica. I hope it is. I still dont like the fact that she's having all that done today though. But ya just can't tell some folks...
Well, she's only having half her head done for $150.00 which sounds like a lot to me. Its going to be more cause I know that price dont include the relaxer and rinse. Its $300.00 for a full head. that sounds like too much. I know kitchen queens that would do if for fifty(from my hair weave days of course)I could have put her relaxer in. She hasent had a relaxer in five years so all her hair is natural.
Did she go to a consultation first? I really don't want her to do this all in one day, especially since she hasn't had a relaxer in so long! And yeah, 150 is too much for some crochets (half a head!), I'm sorry. That's what a full weave generally costs in some places, but I know it all depends on the area. Maybe you can run into the salon and stop her, if the interlocking hasn't begun yet.
No she didn't get a consultation. I can't do get to the salon because she is having her hair done fifteen miles from where I work and I wont get my car back till I get off at four( My neighbor has been bringing me back and fourth, no public transportation). Thats too much for Alabama too cause I know if its too much where you're at its waaayyyy too much in the dirty south.
Karonica said:

Keep me updated.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too! I'd really like to know the end results.
We live about 30 miles apart but she is having it done in the town where I live. if she's finished and gone home before I get off at four, I wont see her till thursday. I'll keep ya'll posted cause I cant wait to see myself.
Look in my album for crochet braids, because I thought someone told me before that interlocking and crochet was the same. If it is then getting a perm will not harm her hair, unless the cornrows are super duper tight.
They are the same.
But do you think the cornrows will loosen quicker (especially if she decides to shampoo them while they're in) since the hair is freshly permed? That's my worry. The last time I did my weave, I did it not long after a perm and the tracks started loosening.
I just talked to my mom via the phone. She's still there. she had to be at the salon at 8:30 this morning and wont be finished till around five. I asked my mom how was the stylist putting the hair in and she told me that she was sewing it in. I'm still confused guess I should just wait till I see it but its making me crazy. Cause I know I know what infusion is, I know I know what crochet and interlock is, but I don't know how she's gonna sew in hair that dont have tracks attached to it.
Actually, the track is the conrow, you're referring to the weft, but I see what you're saying. But this situation doesn't make sense at all. No one should be in the salon that long, unless getting braids or something.
From my experience, relaxing before interlocking will make the cornrows get undone more quickly...I did my own interlock braids about 2 weeks ago, a few days after a relaxer, and now the cornrows are kinda lose and coming apart...and I think she'll be paying way too much...If you want my opinion, I'll say she should just get the relaxer done, and then she can learn to do the interlocks herself, or you could do it for her...last two weeks was the first time I did mine and people couldn't believe I didn't have it professionally done at the salon...anyway, enough rambling. I wish your mother all the best!
From my experience, relaxing before interlocking will make the cornrows get undone more quickly...I did my own interlock braids about 2 weeks ago, a few days after a relaxer, and now the cornrows are kinda lose and coming apart...and I think she'll be paying way too much...If you want my opinion, I'll say she should just get the relaxer done, and then she can learn to do the interlocks herself, or you could do it for her...last two weeks was the first time I did mine and people couldn't believe I didn't have it professionally done at the salon...anyway, enough rambling. I wish your mother all the best!

Well, my mom finally got to my house at 10:30 p.m. Her hair looked beautiful. She did not get infusion or interlock. She had something done called strand by strand. I've never heard of this type weave. My mom called the stylist to let her know what I thought of the style I talked to her and asked how it was done. She said that my mom's hair wasnt braided but left loose she takes small amounts of her hair and equal amouns of weave hair and sew them together. I still dont understand, so she said that on one of her slow days she would show me how its done using a manniquin(sp). so for a relaxer, hair rinse, and the weave my mom said she paid a total of 190.00. She was very happy with it and I must admit it looked great. I took pictures and as soon as I get my photo journal together I'll post them. I plan to take pictures of the demonstration that the stylist will give me and I'll post them too.

You aint the only one confused, cause I looked all through my mom's hair and still couldnt make head or tail of it. But I'm determined to find out how its done
be back as soon as I can.