Has anyone ever been convicted to not watch certain tv shows and movies.


New Member
So the vampire diaries and secret circle were two of my favourite tv shows. Now in my spirit I feel led not to watch them. Has anyone else ever felt anything similar?
So the vampire diaries and secret circle were two of my favourite tv shows. Now in my spirit I feel led not to watch them. Has anyone else ever felt anything similar?

Yep....I feel convicted each time I watch a comedy show like Kings of Comedy because of the cussing in it. I also felt a conviction each time I watched Real Housewives of Atlanta. For some reason, that particular one the Lord convicted me hard. Now, I'm been rethinking a lot of the tv shows/movies that I've been watching.

It's odd that I never felt a conviction when I look at Charmed. I don't look at it all the time but never had felt a conviction.
Anything vampire, witch, ghost or stuff with cohabitation or a lot of sexual content ~ I always feel convicted.

I need to tamp down the TeenMom (the enemy says *well, you were a teen mom, once*); any Real Housewives, Tiny/TI, BBwives and Love&HipHop...

Tamp, well, STOP...
Yep....I feel convicted each time I watch a comedy show like Kings of Comedy because of the cussing in it. I also felt a conviction each time I watched Real Housewives of Atlanta. For some reason, that particular one the Lord convicted me hard. Now, I'm been rethinking a lot of the tv shows/movies that I've been watching.

It's odd that I never felt a conviction when I look at Charmed. I don't look at it all the time but never had felt a conviction.

:kiss: This is because God is trusting you to 'know better' without having to tell you. He's already given you the conviction for other shows like it and we know that scripture has warned us to stay away from such things.

When my mom and dad taught / warned me not to play with matches, I learned to know better and to stay away. As I grew older the same principle applied to the candles that my mom lit for the dinner table. She never told me not to touch them because I already knew better and that they were just as dangerous as matches.

A lit fire is a lit fire no matter what it's burning upon; demons and witch craft charmed or ferocius are the same fire, they both still burn down homes and houses, the ones which house our spirits. Our Temple of the Holy Spirit.

I love you and Happy New Year to you, Precious makeupgirl... :love2:
As much as I loved Girlfriends when I was in college, I couldn't bear to watch it when it came on TV recently. Too much cussing and talk about casual sex for me.

A lot of reality shows are piling up on my do not watch list. I was even shocked to learn that Bravo bleeps out just about every cuss word on their shows except for God****.
I had a habit of coming home, turning on the TV and then proceeding to move into another room to do either laundry, cook dinner, talk to my family, or get caught up on the computer.

Well, depending on the channel anything can come on and I'm not aware of it until I return to the room the TV is in.

One day, I heard the Holy Spirit say, "This show offends me". I looked at the TV and it was 'Will and Grace', the gay tv show. The Holy Spirit spoke clearly to me that it was offensive. I could literally 'feel' the grieving of the Holy Spirit in my spirit... it didn't feel good at all.

Now I'm more aware of what stations are on my TV.. very aware. I don't ever want to have that sad feeling again.

ETA: The sadder thing about this show is that is was on at 5 and 6 p.m. when children have easy access to viewing it and being 'oriented' into accepting the gay lifestyle. Parents were either not home from work, or busy fixing dinner, doing laundry, etc. The children are being 'drafted' / seduced / drawn into the abyss of this darkness void of God's presence.
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As much as I loved Girlfriends when I was in college, I couldn't bear to watch it when it came on TV recently. Too much cussing and talk about casual sex for me.

A lot of reality shows are piling up on my do not watch list. I was even shocked to learn that Bravo bleeps out just about every cuss word on their shows except for God****.

The character 'Lynn' on that show was getting deeper and darker with too many sexual exploits. It was NOT a healthy show. :nono:
I used to watch Criminal Minds and Snapped and they were snakes to me, because I saw nothing wrong with the shows, but tried to see them as innocent forms of entertainment - justifying the 'beauty' -- all of this, despite the Holy Spirit screaming to me.. "You're allowing darkness into your soul. So in a sense I was walking in disobedience. :nono: It wasn't until I started having bad dreams.. I mean some deep stuff..hubby had to counsel me about the shows and I repented. I just stopped watching them..didn't wean myself. I just stopped, when the reality came that the darkness was seeping in through those shows.
Conviction comes from God, not man, and isn't about guilt of sin but rather admonition of righteousness. This is growth in Christ, like the peeling of layers of onion skin. Layer after layer is shed, as you get closer to the core. If something offends God, we should be offended, and He will let us know. I also believe the Holy Spirit deals with each of us differently, though, because it's only when we're ready, open and in tune with Him, to receive, will the change take place. I believe this is what is happening to you, OP.
I think the Holy Spirit gives us vibes (or discernment) for a reason. Shows like this can affect your spirit and you don't even realize it because after constant exposure you can become desensitized to it.
Yeah I don't watch any paranormal shows at all. Some shows I don't even think are bad, but then I'll get convicted and start noticing things - it's hard not to start with the excuses ("oh it's not that bad") - but it's always best to listen.

There was a period when I was convicted to do a total TV/Internet fast and it was a really spiritually rich time.
Absolutely. For me besides overtly sexual and occult type stuff, it's also shows and entertainment that are intensely cynical and irreverently sarcastic. That's probably a weakness in my personality that I don't need to feed.

Funny thing is you can definitely dull your sensitivity to the Spirit if you continually ignore Him when prompted about things. Access to the voice of the Spirit is a priceless privilege and I need to repent and get a fresh start in this area.
Atlanta Housewives
criminal minds (this show is dark)
will and grace - this was my favourite show
sex and the city

yes holy Spirit does convict us on what we shouldn't be watching and listening to...guarding her eyes and spirit
Yes, I have felt bad watching certain shows and movies. I use to watch a lot of different things on television throughout the years. When i was about 9 or 10 years old i started watching mtv along with networks dedicated to children like nickelodeon. Soon being addicted to vh1 when i turned 18 and other reality shows and such, like those "searching for love" shows. I also watched ghost hunting shows a lot. At one point i was a huge fan of sex and the city, and went to go see the movie in 2008. Since 2009 and now, i have changed Thanks to our Lord Jesus. The disconnection from God was getting to me and i didn't feel complete, i honestly felt dead and not happy and i prayed to God to connect me back to him. At that time I knew about Jesus but I didnt KNOW Jesus. The past few years has been a blessing and my prayer answered because I now know Jesus and i grow in him everyday, he is our life support and our place is in him. I always called myself a Christian because of my upbringing but now I know what it means to be a true believer in Jesus Christ.

During that period I was "weaning" myself off of certain shows and movie interests and i wasnt forcing myself to do this it was happening very naturally. At one time sex and the city movie part 2 was on cable and i did feel an urge to watch it and i did turn to the movie but didnt keep it on there long i just couldnt stand to watch it anymore it really started to upset me. And i was upset with myself to have been intrested in such a show.

Right now I just mainly watch nature shows and the weather scan channel just because i like the soothing instrumental music they play and to check the weather, lol. I watch certain shows on the food network but even that network is becoming hollywoodish. It makes very much sense that the Holy Spirit will not urge us to watch a lot of television shows, movies, and listen to certain music. As we grow in Christ we are becoming the way God would have wanted us to be. We each have a different walk in life in Jesus, but of course we can relate because he is our Savior.

Also i started to realize that tv is used as a way to program us, many people may not see it that way but it is. We do become desensitized when we watch different tv shows and movies and listen to certain music that gives glory to ways of the flesh and not the Holy Spirit. This allows us to not see anything wrong with things that are not of the Lord. These things are purposely being exposed to us, not just for entertainment sake but for programming sake.
Yes, some television shows cannot pass the child test...HOA :blush: the incident of the stripper. I was seriously ticked off. Some other shows...but I don't watch that much television and am very selective, actually (not based upon conviction). I prefer documentaries etc. But, I'm a foreign movie buff and, well, let's face it, they view casual sex very differently than even in this country. It's hard being able to enjoy a film because of it and it get so graphic. I'd like to take the films I've collected and copy/edit them. Don't know which software to use yet.

I don't need to be exposed to all that sex (since I ain't having none) cuz I don't want to accidentally do something I'd regret on a date or something :giggle: You can't raise your kids right if you're doing bad.
Yes, I have felt bad watching certain shows and movies. I use to watch a lot of different things on television throughout the years.

When i was about 9 or 10 years old i started watching mtv along with networks dedicated to children like nickelodeon. Soon being addicted to vh1 when i turned 18 and other reality shows and such, like those "searching for love" shows. I also watched ghost hunting shows a lot.

At one point i was a huge fan of sex and the city, and went to go see the movie in 2008. Since 2009 and now, i have changed Thanks to our Lord Jesus. The disconnection from God was getting to me and i didn't feel complete, i honestly felt dead and not happy and i prayed to God to connect me back to him. At that time I knew about Jesus but I didnt KNOW Jesus.

The past few years has been a blessing and my prayer answered because I now know Jesus and i grow in him everyday, he is our life support and our place is in him. I always called myself a Christian because of my upbringing but now I know what it means to be a true believer in Jesus Christ.

During that period I was "weaning" myself off of certain shows and movie interests and i wasnt forcing myself to do this it was happening very naturally. At one time sex and the city movie part 2 was on cable and i did feel an urge to watch it and i did turn to the movie but didnt keep it on there long i just couldnt stand to watch it anymore it really started to upset me. And i was upset with myself to have been intrested in such a show.

Right now I just mainly watch nature shows and the weather scan channel just because i like the soothing instrumental music they play and to check the weather, lol. I watch certain shows on the food network but even that network is becoming hollywoodish. It makes very much sense that the Holy Spirit will not urge us to watch a lot of television shows, movies, and listen to certain music. As we grow in Christ we are becoming the way God would have wanted us to be. We each have a different walk in life in Jesus, but of course we can relate because he is our Savior.

Also i started to realize that tv is used as a way to program us, many people may not see it that way but it is.

We do become desensitized when we watch different tv shows and movies and listen to certain music that gives glory to ways of the flesh and not the Holy Spirit. This allows us to not see anything wrong with things that are not of the Lord. These things are purposely being exposed to us, not just for entertainment sake but for programming sake.

What a beautiful testimony. :yep:

You mentioned the word 'program'. Such powerful revelation. Powerful.

For years we've listened to this word applied to TV shows/sheduling not realizing that it has been a subliminal method of just that... 'programming'.

Example: TV Listings - TV Programs. Friends and family will ask: "What program are you watching?" Or "What's your favorite program?"

And literally, our mind and social habits, character have been 'programmed' by the various 'programs' that have been watched for years since television began. It is literally a 'programming device' that has altered, oriented the minds of humans....including the commercials. :yep:

feemy, thank you for sharing this powerful revelation...

God bless you. :grouphug2:

I used to watch Family Guy, Futurama, the Simpsons, Robot Chicken, and House all the time. But, after a while something in me said something wasn't right the the shows. I noticed they were getting more raunchy. And something about Seth McFarland, Matt Groening, Seth Green, and Hugh Laurie felt off to me. Come to find out they are all Atheist. I don't have time for that :nono:. I'm always so disappointed to find out that someone is an Atheist.

I used to watch horror movies all the time too. I really stopped watching them when I saw The Ring. I had to sleep with my Bible in order to feel better. I knew right then and there that these movies weren't good for me.

It's the same with music. I like Rap, Hip Hop, and R&B. But, there is so much cursing when the songs isn't radio edited.

I used to watch Family Guy, Futurama, the Simpsons, Robot Chicken, and House all the time. But, after a while something in me said something wasn't right the the shows. I noticed they were getting more raunchy. And something about Seth McFarland, Matt Groening, Seth Green, and Hugh Laurie felt off to me. Come to find out they are all Atheist. I don't have time for that :nono:. I'm always so disappointed to find out that someone is an Atheist.

I used to watch horror movies all the time too. I really stopped watching them when I saw The Ring. I had to sleep with my Bible in order to feel better. I knew right then and there that these movies weren't good for me.

It's the same with music. I like Rap, Hip Hop, and R&B. But, there is so much cursing when the songs isn't radio edited.

In total agreement... Family Guy has been blasphemous many times... In agreement with @Raspberry about the sarcastic shows: Gilmore Girls, Friends, etc.

And AbcFamily channel is a joke ~ some of the promos are outrageous.

Alas, a show I've watched off and on for over 22 years: Degrassi ~ even there's an Anya (my name) and one of the characters was a teen mother at the exact time I was/the child is the focus of the more recent cast ~ they have too much going on sexually.
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Yes, I was addicted to watching horror shows Chiller became my favorite channel. The odd thing is; I didn’t watch what I considered demon possession movies like the Haunting of Emily Rose or the Exorcist theses type movies were too real for my taste. Having witness actual exorcisms, I knew not to invite that into my home. Yet, I was deceived. I honestly thought fictional shows with monsters, killing, and mutilations were not harmful until God revealed to me all of it is demonic inspired. God opened my eyes to what was happening. I was inviting the enemy into my mind, my home and life.

I thank God for the discernment because I should have known better but I allowed the enemy to blind me. I truly felt watching these shows and others didn’t bother me in the least. It wasn’t until I begin to seek God and pray more that my eyes were opened to what the enemy was trying to do. He not only was destroying my spirit but also was using these shows as a distraction to keep me from doing something more constructive. While sitting and watching that mess I could have been praying or studying God's word.

Fortunately, I don’t watch much television now except occasional documentaries and home improvement shows with hubby. I’m learning that distractions come in many forms. I’m being more cognizant of what I read and watch online as well. I’m conquering distractions in 2012!
What a beautiful testimony. :yep:

You mentioned the word 'program'. Such powerful revelation. Powerful.

For years we've listened to this word applied to TV shows/sheduling not realizing that it has been a subliminal method of just that... 'programming'.

Example: TV Listings - TV Programs. Friends and family will ask: "What program are you watching?" Or "What's your favorite program?"

And literally, our mind and social habits, character have been 'programmed' by the various 'programs' that have been watched for years since television began. It is literally a 'programming device' that has altered, oriented the minds of humans....including the commercials. :yep:

@feemy, thank you for sharing this powerful revelation...

God bless you. :grouphug2:
You are welcome shimmie and God bless you too.

And yes I agree with you, I thought about the fact that many of us call tv shows, "programs", it makes sense to me now.
You are welcome shimmie and God bless you too.

And yes I agree with you, I thought about the fact that many of us call tv shows, "programs", it makes sense to me now.

The power of the tongue... what we call 'ourselves' and give power to by whom and what we name. It takes on the 'nature' / actions of what it / whom it is called.

The Word of God is not playing around. :nono: This is such a revelation.
OMG!!!! I was just thinking I am gonna pass on watching this new Devil movie that coming out...

I think it is called "The Devil Inside"
:kiss: This is because God is trusting you to 'know better' without having to tell you. He's already given you the conviction for other shows like it and we know that scripture has warned us to stay away from such things.

When my mom and dad taught / warned me not to play with matches, I learned to know better and to stay away. As I grew older the same principle applied to the candles that my mom lit for the dinner table. She never told me not to touch them because I already knew better and that they were just as dangerous as matches.

A lit fire is a lit fire no matter what it's burning upon; demons and witch craft charmed or ferocius are the same fire, they both still burn down homes and houses, the ones which house our spirits. Our Temple of the Holy Spirit.

I love you and Happy New Year to you, Precious @makeupgirl... :love2:

Thanks Ms. Shimmie I never thought about it like that.

I love you too. :love2:
I still haven't seen Valentine's Day because I don't think there was a black female character in the film to find love.
Girl please dont watch this..I havent seen it, but I was watching TV once and a preview came on for it, but I couldnt even watch the full thing.

Its ALOT of things I dont watch, especially horror movies. They provoke fear, and my bible says God has not given me the spirit of fear, so I know its not of God.

I barely dont watch Tv anyore unless its for the news or weather channel.

I just cant do reality shows. I tried but my spirit wont let me sit through that mess..

We can't find entertainment in the things God hates

OMG!!!! I was just thinking I am gonna pass on watching this new Devil movie that coming out...

I think it is called "The Devil Inside"
Girl please dont watch this..I havent seen it, but I was watching TV once and a preview came on for it, but I couldnt even watch the full thing.

Its ALOT of things I dont watch, especially horror movies. They provoke fear, and my bible says God has not given me the spirit of fear, so I know its not of God.

I barely dont watch Tv anyore unless its for the news or weather channel.

I just cant do reality shows. I tried but my spirit wont let me sit through that mess..

We can't find entertainment in the things God hates

This could be why I've never been able to stomach horror movies or even psychological thrillers (which is much more scary to me than horror movies).

Reality tv shows, I'm pretty much losing interest. Instead of watching those Real Housewives shows, I've just been turning to Fraiser or NCIS. I've even started watching Victorious and iCarly.
Girl please dont watch this..I havent seen it, but I was watching TV once and a preview came on for it, but I couldnt even watch the full thing.

Its ALOT of things I dont watch, especially horror movies. They provoke fear, and my bible says God has not given me the spirit of fear, so I know its not of God.

I barely dont watch Tv anyore unless its for the news or weather channel.

I just cant do reality shows. I tried but my spirit wont let me sit through that mess..

We can't find entertainment in the things God hates

Girrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllll, those previews are VICIOUS! I was wondering what on earth is this mess going on? A woman crawling on the wall or backed up into a corner with huge dark eyes glarin' and stuff....

I hate horror movies and shows and I do mean 'hate'. The last horror movie I saw was years ago, it was The Exocist. Never again. I did not like that movie.

Some folks like the excitement of being scared. They think that because it's a show or a movie that it is 'Just a Movie' and that it's not real. But these demons are real and they are the manifestations of someone is suppressing, expressing, or is communicating with a demon spirit. It's not coming from out of 'thin air'. Demons are real and it's people who give them life.

Each time a person watches a horror movie or show they are giving life to it.

I'd rather kill it and burn it. They don't get a burial service out of me. :nono:
As a lot of ladies already mentioned, I don't do movies like Twilight, Harry Potter, they just seemed to irritate me just from the trailers alone. I used to watch horror and psychological thrillers, but not now.

But you know something, I can't watch Tyler Perry or anything on the OWN network now either. Sex and the City and Girlfriends, same thing.

Now, I admit that I will watch RHOA. But even from reading this thread, I know I shouldn't. The gay men walking around in MAC and high heels, and stripper theatrics this season really were a bit much. Not to mention all the cursing. It is totally ungodly. I stopped watching America's Next Top Model for this reason, it is just too much. I don't want to grieve Holy Spirit.

So when I am watching TV, my TV pretty much stays on HGTV, Food Network or I will watch like Law and Order. And sometimes, I turn from that too.
So the vampire diaries and secret circle were two of my favourite tv shows. Now in my spirit I feel led not to watch them. Has anyone else ever felt anything similar?

Wow, it's amazing how God works. I was feeling the very same way about these two shows the past week. I watched the first 5 episodes of The Secret Circle and I was uncomfortable the whole time. It just didn't sit right with my spirit. I watched the first episode of The Vampire Diaries and couldn't go through with watching the rest, it also didn't feel right. So I have stopped watching True Blood and similar series.

Every time The Devil Inside trailer comes on, I switch channels. It is so heavy!
Yup most of the shows ya'll listed I couldn't watch. Most of the time, I watch re-runs of "safe" shows or court shows.