Has anyone else had great success in taking MSM supplements???


New Member
Hi to all :wave: I haven't posted here in quite a while; I've just been very busy lately, but I had to stop in here and tell you guys about MSM. I myself was taking MSM, along with Biotin and Pantothenic Acid, in the past, and I now believe that it did wonders for my hair, although at the time I did not really attribute my hair growth and health to supplements. I thought it was just from keeping my hair moisturized and using deep conditioners with heat.

Anyway, my Mom has been taking MSM for a while (less than a year, I think...), and I KID YOU NOT, her hair is now at bra strap length, and I have NEVER seen her hair longer than shoulder length, EVER!! Now granted that her hair has always been on the thin side, and the supplements have not done much for that issue, but she definitely has the length now!! Just thought I'd post this, and ask if anyone else has noticed these kind of results from taking MSM. And yes, I've definitely started back taking it again!! :yep::yep::yep:
I've taken it but not consistent enough to see growth but I will definitely continue to use it and hope for the best, but like you I'd like to see if anyone else has has success with it.
Its only been a month since I started taking it consistently. My hair is growing but I can't say its specifically MSM since I am also doing other things too.
I have not taken my MSM in over a month now :ohwell: and l miss it. My nails were stronger and looked healthy. Also my spots were less and my skin lovely. It works!!!! Going back on it tomorrow x
I have not taken my MSM in over a month now :ohwell: and l miss it. My nails were stronger and looked healthy. Also my spots were less and my skin lovely. It works!!!! Going back on it tomorrow x

Yes, and that reminds me... my daughter started taking Biotin pills over the summer, and now her nails are totally fabulous!! They are sooo long and strong that no one would believe that they are real!! So now I am taking MSM AND Biotin!! :laugh:
I've taken MSM probably a month now... My skin is great. I normally get a case of cystic acne, but I got only one bump that's smaller. The hair thing is up in the air. Biotin has helped with the hair growth, though. It took a month for it to work.
Whenever I've had growth spurts it has always been when I was taking MSM. It does wonders for me skin and hair, so I plan on taking it consistently for a year and see what type of progress I get.
i kind of over-did it on the MSM. for those of you (like myself) who are allergic to sulfur, organic MSM is fine - just don't over do it.

I used to counter-act it with a multivitaminpack. Well, i got lazy, and didn't take the pack for 2 weeks. 2 days ago, i awakened with a familiar scratchy throat, and mildly swollen itchy eyes. I immediately knew what the problem was.

the multi-vitamin pac is very high in Vitamin A, D and Betacarotene. These seem to counter act the MSM if taken religiously. I took the vitamins, iced my face, and the swelling started going down immediately.

So, in another week, i'll be taking the MSM again, but much lower doses. + the vitamin pack with hypervigilance. MSM is the "truth" when it comes to hair growth. I actually thought i was shoulder length. But i found out on my last take down, i am CBL. Fine-haired but still, CBL.
I have been eyeing MSM in hopes of it improving my skin, specifically stretch marks and two tiny keloids that I have on my back and arm. I just started using the MSM cream from Puritan Pride's this week, applying it to my stretch marks and the keloids twice daily after showering. I will give it about 3-4 months to see if there is any change. I have also been contemplating taking the supplements as well.
I just started taking it over a week ago. I'm about 3 weeks post relaxer I do feel new growth this week so we shall see in another week or two. Because I can't tell just yet. I will be able to tell in a few weeks since I know about how much growth I typically have 6 wks post.