Has anyone else experienced breakage post-Surge????


New Member
I had a set back about 2 months ago after using Surge...I experienced breakage in about a quarter sized area in the nape area. I think now it was due to Surge...I think the Surge made my hair grow in too fast and too thick and it broke at the demarcation line in that area. Also, I was chatting with my hair buddy and she had breakage shortly after using the Surge. We have similar hair types, but I was just wondering if we were the only ones.

Honestly, I think the Surge should be used very cautiously and especially for those who are trying to stretch relaxers. This is just my take on it....and my personal experience with it.

Any thoughts?
I think anytime you have a relaxer and your hair grows at a faster rate than normal you're going to have to adjust your touch-up time to avoid the breakage at the demarcation line, so don't go by time for your touch-ups, but growth....this is for anyone who stretched their touch ups.
ms_kenesha said:
I think anytime you have a relaxer and your hair grows at a faster rate than normal you're going to have to adjust your touch-up time to avoid the breakage at the demarcation line, so don't go by time for your touch-ups, but growth....this is for anyone who stretched their touch ups.

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Another lesson learned the hard way, I guess.