Has anybody used MSM and it NOT affect...


Well-Known Member
yu hair texture? I have been using MSM consistently for a few weeks now to see if it's all it's cracked up to be. However, I don't really want my hair texture to get looser. I already have problems making my hair as big as I want it. I like my hair texture and I don't want to lose volume most of all (because I have fine, fine hair). So are there alot of folks out there who have used msm and not got the hair texture changing effect?
I have been using it off and on since Jan. It has affected my texture. My new growth is still thick but more wavy than kinky. I will tell you that it takes some people longer to see the effects than others. I think MSM also helps with shedding by keeping your hair in the growing stage a little longer.

Why did you decide to try MSM?
I've used MSM consistently for over two years and it has never affected my hair texture. Didn't change a thing. Didn't increase hair growth, either.
I wanted to try it for growth, shedding and lengthening the growth phase. I am finally being consistent but I don't know if the hair texture thing is so appealing. Maybe if I were permed because I prolly would have to perm less often, but I don't want it to disrupt the curl pattern.
nah, no other benefits for my hair per se. i really take that one for my body. i'm gettin old, girl...
i take it for joint pain and allergies. it really helps!

the only vitamins i take specifically for my hair that i've noticed a difference from using are B5 and biotin. i take those for individual hair strand thickness. NOTHING has helped my hair grow faster on a consistent basis. i gave up on that a while ago...
How fast does your hair grow? Since it doesn't change the texture of the hair already on your head, you may have to wait a while to see if it works for you. After a few weeks it's probably just built up enough in your system to affect the texture of the hair that's about to grow. My hair grows pretty slowly so it took me 6-8 weeks to notice the difference. It's been a year now and my new growth is definitely more manageable, making it easier to extend relaxers.
I think Britt used MSM and it actually made her curl pattern tighter...like she went from a 3 to a 4 hair type...I remember because she gave me the remaining capsules at the NYC meeting!
I used it for maybe 6 months, I didn't see a difference in texture but I think it was helping the growth, along with biotin.