Has any natural ever straightened or worn a sew in at 1 year post?


Well-Known Member
So I'm transitioning and I'm thinking about BCing. The only reason why I don't want to BC is because I'm going to start interviewing for medical schools this fall and I don't know how my hair would look short and flat ironed. I've never had hair that short, so I figured I'd keep my hair until then. But it's getting kind of annoying lol

So I was thinking about getting a sew in after I BC but I still have no idea of how it may look. I've never seen a newly natural with straightened hair before. So if you straightened your completely natural hair around 1 yr post or had a partial sew in, could you post pics please! Or post someones fotki, blog, or youtube channel that you know of.

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Whether one year post or 6 months post, it doesn't really matter if you have the right person doing your hair. I was 5 months into being natural when i get this sew-in


Only the very top part of my hair is out. Nothing else so it was just a little strip of hair. I might revist this look this winter
Thanks so much! I was worried that I wouldn't have enough hair to blend...like it wouldn't be long enough and it would look obviously fake. Your sew-in looked great. Motivation to chop! lol

ETA: You were 5 months into being natural but how many months post?
Yes. There is no time limit for a weave or to straighten. I got a weave the day after I bced. I had just enough hair to braid. Getting all of your hair covered is a possibility too. I think I got my hair straightened for the first time maybe 4 or 5 months post bc.
Awww well I'll be 13 months post on the 6th and I flat ironed my hair about 2-3 weeks ago but forgot to take pics...Oops...My bad....lol :look: So are you thinking of BCing soon? Girl! More power to ya cause I cant do it, no way no how...:nono:

Yes I'm so sick of my hair. I want kinky twists and I can't find anyone to do it for a reasonable price because everyone wants to charge extra for length. And I'm sick of spending an hour detangling my hair every week!......well ok I actually don't mind the time, I just hate combing it idk....maybe I'm just going through a funk. I felt like chopping a couple of months ago too. But I don't see the point in holding on to the hair. I always have my hair in a bun or a ponytail anyway so I don't need hair to protective style!
Thanks so much! I was worried that I wouldn't have enough hair to blend...like it wouldn't be long enough and it would look obviously fake. Your sew-in looked great. Motivation to chop! lol

ETA: You were 5 months into being natural but how many months post?
I BCd in May so i was done with my transition. Your hair should blend in fine regardless because you still have permed ends right? All you would have to do is straighten a very small piece of hair
^^^^No I won't have any permed ends. I'm ready to cut it all off now lol So my question was towards naturals who don't have any relaxed hair left. If I keep the relaxed hair, I won't need the sew in, I can just flat iron. But I'm sick of detangling! The line of demarcation likes to act stupid! So my hair will be very short when I get the sew in.

ETA: Sorry. I guess I didn't clarify that I meant people who had already BC'd not transitioners.
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^^^^No I won't have any permed ends. I'm ready to cut it all off now lol So my question was towards naturals who don't have any relaxed hair left. If I keep the relaxed hair, I won't need the sew in, I can just flat iron. But I'm sick of detangling! The line of demarcation likes to act stupid! So my hair will be very short when I get the sew in.

ETA: Sorry. I guess I didn't clarify that I meant people who had already BC'd not transitioners.
Oh ok well i was completely natural when i got that sew-in just to clarify that