Has a Guy Ever Made You Feel So...


New Member
Giddy :spinning:

I'm going to keep the story vague because I know how you ladies do :lol:

When I was around 16/17yrs old I used to like this guy. I would literally RUN from him if I ever saw him in the hallway :lachen:

Years have passed and recently a friend of mine bumped into him. To cut the story short we got in contact again. Anytime he talks to me I freeze up. I can't look him straight in the eye. My palms get sweaty and I just can't.say.a.word. :nono:

This is NOT me at all. I have no idea why he has this sort of affect on me but I'd like it to go away. Usually my ''game'' is tight :lol: but with this guy I have no game. I come across as meek and lacking confidence.

The weird part is he makes me feel so shy I can't even imagine undressing him, which is what my dirty mind usually does when I like a guy lol, and a lot more. :look:

I'm so confused.

But I think I wanna have his babies.
YES! My current SO. The first time he kissed me, I started giggling. :lol: He tells everyone (jokingly) that I laughed at him. But I was just so giddy with excitement. He turned me into a little girl. :grin:
Yep my dh. Never been so nervous around a dude. That Fantasia song when I see u was my damn theme song. No one irl would believe me if they ever found out how he use to have my mind going cause everyone thinks im so cool and nonchalant. Im only admitting this online lmao

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You are too funny. I don't know what you can do to open up. But realize that he is just a person. You are probably giving him more credit than what is due. It will be okay though!!
I've done this before I think because you were shy when you met him as a child when you see him you revert back to that. I do it when I hang out with my childhood friends or guys from my past I really like. I think the key is to remind yourself your older and wiser, plus I think you have him on a pedestal in your head.

Chic, I think you answered my post about why men play mind games but anyway, this is how that guy makes me feel. I totally understand where you are coming from cause like you, my game is usually tight and I can smell a rat from miles away BUT this is the first time I've been knocked off kilter. This dude makes me crrraaaaazy. He makes me so ahhhhhhhhhhh!! I can't even explain it but I want to get him out of my head and I think I'm on the road to recovery BUT it ain't easy. Sheesh!! Good luck girl!
Awwww OP!! :lol: :lol:

Trust me, I've been there. I used to like one of my guy friends like this. I would revert to a child around him. Shy, awkward, didn't know what to say, tongue-tied, nervous as all get out, etc. Honestly....I didn't like feeling like this around him. After a while, it just got tiring. Even when I see him now, I STILL feel those butterflies even though I'm over him. :hand:

I think my main problem was that I was lifting him on a pedestal that he didn't need to be on. I think if you just RELAX, and start to realize that he's just HUMAN like you, you will be able to relax around him and be more yourself.

What helped me was that sometimes I would imagine him (in my mind) in silly, awkward clothes/situations that made HIM look like a fool, so that when I would see him in person, I'd have to chuckle to myself and it would put me at ease. lol. Sort of like how if you suffer from stage fright, imagining the whole audience naked or in chicken costumes helps to ease your nerves because THEY are the ones in the disadvantage. :giggle:
I still have this problem from time to time. I wouldn't say I get giddy, but I do get nervous around men that I really like and/or am attracted to.

It's the bane of existence because it's the reason I'm always fighting off guys that I'm not interested in. I'm naturally a pretty bubbly, warm, even flirtatious person. So when I'm around people that I don't feel pressure to impress, this side is what comes out and men like it. But then I'm talking to a guy that I'm super-interested in and I clam up, can't make eye-contace, etc. It's a mess.
My First love, bf did. The first time i met him, i was struck dumb. :lol:
I used to avoid him all over campus because he was a cool, " bas" guy, and I knew even though I was a good girl, he'd have me doing all sorts of stuff. Apparently he liked me too, because one day, he hunted me to my dorm with the aid of mybf, and the rest is history.
The only thing is, like I feared he was so unreliable which is why we are no longer together today. He eventually got his act together, but by the time he did, I had moved on.
I still have this problem from time to time. I wouldn't say I get giddy, but I do get nervous around men that I really like and/or am attracted to.

It's the bane of existence because it's the reason I'm always fighting off guys that I'm not interested in. I'm naturally a pretty bubbly, warm, even flirtatious person. So when I'm around people that I don't feel pressure to impress, this side is what comes out and men like it. But then I'm talking to a guy that I'm super-interested in and I clam up, can't make eye-contace, etc. It's a mess.

This is me 110%! :nono: You described me to a T! Were we switched at birth?? lol
Thanks for all the replies ladies.


He's made it clear he wants to get to know me. I said I'm not really looking atm then I had to make an excuse to get off the phone because I was GIGGLING so much. :lol:

I can't figure out if I like him or not. This is not normal at all, and I don't want to be with someone that makes me this shy. I'd like to be comfortable enough to let one rip (fart) if I wanted to.

I know if I gave this guy a chance, I'd try to play the ''perfect'' girl 24/7. Which I am far from. I have flaws just like everybody else.

I'm giggling as I type this.


ETA: I'm not even the giggling type. What the fluck has this man done to me. I'm acting so stoooopid.
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Thanks for all the replies ladies.


He's made it clear he wants to get to know me. I said I'm not really looking atm then I had to make an excuse to get off the phone because I was GIGGLING so much. :lol:

I can't figure out if I like him or not. This is not normal at all, and I don't want to be with someone that makes me this shy. I'd like to be comfortable enough to let one rip (fart) if I wanted to.

I know if I gave this guy a chance, I'd try to play the ''perfect'' girl 24/7. Which I am far from. I have flaws just like everybody else.

I'm giggling as I type this.


ETA: I'm not even the giggling type. What the fluck has this man done to me. I'm acting so stoooopid.

If I felt like that about a guy and he liked me also. I'd definitely try to see where the relationship could go.
:drunk: I feel all giggly just reading. I'm good at playing it cool but as soon as the door closes I start giggling, my cheeks burn, and I start rolling on my bed grinning way to hard. I'm a damn shame.