Has a beautician ever ruined your hair b4? Stories :)


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I use to assume this, like when I use to get my hair washed and they would dry it with a towel and run my hair vigorously and they didn't know they were making more tangles. And my beautician now who use to put relaxer on all my hair even the already permed, I never questioned her because I assumed she knew what she was doing. But I looked it up and all over the Internet I was told that I'm over processing my hair. So the next time I went I told her to put it on my new growth and so did a girl before me told her the same thing and as a result i have thin ends, but since I trimmed it looks much better.
Ugggghhh, aside from burning my crown out...I used to go to this woman who "loved hair so much she wouldn't cut it" she ripped glued tracks out all day everyday. She overlapped relaxers...she was a nightmare recommended by a friend of mine. The day I left was the day my friend and I got our hair done at the same time. Once the sylist finished ripping the girls tracks out and washed her hair I saw what her real hair looked like. I was mortified, no edges, 2 inches of over processed damaged hair sticking up all over the place. I still had a full head of shoulder length hair so I dipped asap.
DayDreamist said:
Ugggghhh, aside from burning my crown out...I used to go to this woman who "loved hair so much she wouldn't cut it" she ripped glued tracks out all day everyday. She overlapped relaxers...she was a nightmare recommended by a friend of mine. The day I left was the day my friend and I got our hair done at the same time. Once the sylist finished ripping the girls tracks out and washed her hair I saw what her real hair looked like. I was mortified, no edges, 2 inches of over processed damaged hair sticking up all over the place. I still had a full head of shoulder length hair so I dipped asap.

Wow, it's like to them all that matters is your hair looks good before you left and if you tel, them your hair is damaged after they always suspect what you do at home is damaging it when it's them smh
Back in the late 80's I have Wave Nuveau, another name for a curly kit. Anyway, I got my hair to about shoulder length, but after two years I was tired of the wet stuff. My stylist told me about this new product that would allow you to transition from a Curly Kit to a regular relaxer without having to cut all your hair, it was called NEW ERA. It was a clear chemical and didn't have a strong smell. Everything was find at first my hair was straight the curly kit was gone. Now the way this stuff was suppose to work was you were suppose to do a couple of applications before you moved on the a regular relaxer.

welp after the 3rd application over a 6 month period, the top of my hair fell out, my length was back up to neck length, now I know my poor hair practices contributed to my length disappearing, but the bald spot!!! that was the chemical.

I think I was the only girl in 10th grade with a comb over
My former stylist overlapped my relaxer and it RUINED my hair. That incident is why I'm on my hair journey right now. My hair broke off at least 4 inches after that supposed to be relaxer touch up! :nono:
Where do I start: When I was relaxed I had overlappers saying my hair needed it because it was really "strong" and took a long time to break down....how my hair managed to get to apl back then I'll never know, it was by sheer force of will lol.

As a natural: I had a lady leave a hot comb in one area while she was talking on the phone and I saw the piece snap offand she just tried to comb it through real fast. I was like wait a minute! I pulled up a one inch piece that was one by one inch long in the middle of my crown that was about yup you guessed it one inch when the rest of my hair was mblish. Don't you know she had the nerve to say that's what I get for moving when I protested. It was all that I could do to not kill her and just leave, and refuse to pay looking crazy because I was only 1/4 straightened and the rest in its normal state.

I thought I had it all covered because I eliminated stylists until recently I decided to get layers...even despite research she went crazy on me:
Recently I thought I'd add subtle layers...this was a couple years ago: I had a stylist edward scissor hands my hair creating way too many layers which is the reason I'm in the whip length (btw waist and hip) category now...I could've been to the floor by now lol if I didn't have to trim back so many layers. I literally cut my hair back to shoulder from that. And my grandma saw my hair and said that she thinks the lady even used thinning sheers...so it was a nightmare catching all of that up. I've cut over 6 inches the first time (from mbl back to shoulder, see below at my time line to see how I got back to my length of near wl last year although I haven't done an update since then and have continued to protective style and cut when its not in a protective style in order to catch it all up).

So now I'm back to only letting one lady braid (who has been consistent for years with it), and occassionally flat iron. No matter if I travel or not, if I need something done I usually do it myself or trust the same lady only.
I've heard of relaxer, hot comb, and blow-drying horror stories. I've never heard of a simple wash n dc going so wrong. I started my HHJ in July of last year. My last relaxer was about a year ago. I got a trim in Nov and my thin hair had decent growth and started filling in. I was happy and motivated.

A few weeks ago, I went to a beautician I previously had went to awhile ago b/c my regular beautician was out of town. I went in for a wash, dc, and wrap. Before rinsing out the DC, she started combing through my hair which was apparently very tangled for reasons unknown bc it's not that way when I wash and dc. She literally ripped the comb through my hair from the roots to the ends. I suffered a lot of breakage. I ended up having to trim off more than I wanted to and now I'm starting over.
BlkOnyx488 said:
Back in the late 80's I have Wave Nuveau, another name for a curly kit. Anyway, I got my hair to about shoulder length, but after two years I was tired of the wet stuff. My stylist told me about this new product that would allow you to transition from a Curly Kit to a regular relaxer without having to cut all your hair, it was called NEW ERA. It was a clear chemical and didn't have a strong smell. Everything was find at first my hair was straight the curly kit was gone. Now the way this stuff was suppose to work was you were suppose to do a couple of applications before you moved on the a regular relaxer.

welp after the 3rd application over a 6 month period, the top of my hair fell out, my length was back up to neck length, now I know my poor hair practices contributed to my length disappearing, but the bald spot!!! that was the chemical.

I think I was the only girl in 10th grade with a comb over
Omg! Lol, the comb over part had me rolling lol
star78 said:
I've heard of relaxer, hot comb, and blow-drying horror stories. I've never heard of a simple wash n dc going so wrong. I started my HHJ in July of last year. My last relaxer was about a year ago. I got a trim in Nov and my thin hair had decent growth and started filling in. I was happy and motivated.

A few weeks ago, I went to a beautician I previously had went to awhile ago b/c my regular beautician was out of town. I went in for a wash, dc, and wrap. Before rinsing out the DC, she started combing through my hair which was apparently very tangled for reasons unknown bc it's not that way when I wash and dc. She literally ripped the comb through my hair from the roots to the ends. I suffered a lot of breakage. I ended up having to trim off more than I wanted to and now I'm starting over.

O heck no! That's what I said that not all beauticians know how to comb thru your hair, even if it's "your people", dominicans know how to comb AA hair to me
Three times, although the third time may have been my fault

The first time, I really don't remember what happened. What I do remember was that I went to the salon religiously and yet, one day my hair began to fall out. They tried to blame me, saying perhaps I did or didn't do something at home, but that wasn't the case. Theirs were the only hands that touched my hair. I trusted them to be the professionals and that my hair was safe in their hands. Found out the hard way that it wasn't.

The second time the girl who worked at a salon, but I later found out didn't even have a license, was careless. It was late and some guys came into the salon just to talk. She was paying more attention to her non work related conversations and less on how long the relaxer sat in my hair.

When she finally rinsed it and went to comb it out, my hair was comming out. Lot's of hair. I told her that something was wrong but she said it was just shedding. I let her know that, that was not normal shedding, my hair NEVER does that! The owner was brought over and come to find out, the girl over processed my hair. They did an emergency protein treatment and told me that until things got back to normal, not to use heat. They had to cut my hair and also told me that I'd need to come in once a week for a few months for protein conditioning until my hair was back to normal. AND I HAD TO PAY for these corrections!!! I was pissed and decided to never let them perform another chemical service on my hair again. I learned to do protein treatments on my own and never went back.

The last time was when I was totally natural and wanted a relaxer. My hair was very healthy and a bit past APL almost BSL. I didn't tell the stylist that I was totally natural and she only did my roots. I just assummed that being a stylist she would be able to tell natural from relaxed. But, how I didn't notice immediately what she was doing was beyond me. I think I was too busy chatting up other patrons and staff. When I figured out what she did, she had to go back and correct it by relaxing the rest. And to make sure that... well, actually I'm not sure why she did it (don't remember the explanation) but she cut my almost BSL hair to SL. I was VERY upset and was teary eyed as I walked to my car.

I've learned not to trust beauticians, even now. I've found that I have better success than I ever did taking care of my hair on my own. It rarely looks bouncy and sleek like I just stepped out of a salon, because of the lack of heat that I use, but it's definitely healthier.

Not to say that I've never made mistakes too, as I'm still learning new things everyday. But, my mistakes have never been as bad AND if anyone is going to skrew up my hair, I'd rather it be me...and I'll be damned if I ever actually pay someone AFTER they've damaged my hair again.
O heck no, they would of treated my hair for free, they messed up so they have to clean up and they would of had a lawsuit if they didn't. 9 out of 10 you shouldn't have went back and sued the. Even tho your precious hair was gone
Once I went to get my hair dyed a dark brown or a blue black. My old stylist said cool let's go with blue black. :nono: After she rinsed me I saw her mumbling and calling people but I didnt know why. She sat me under that dryer and said let's give you a good deep conditioner.:perplexed . Once I returned to her chair I had to do a double take. My blue black turned in a INCREDIBLE GREEN HULK and it didn't help I had a pixie cut. I was sooooooo pissed I just put my cap back on and left without paying. It cost me 200.00 at a white salon to get the color fixed along with calling out sick the next day....:nono:

She called to say sorry and to TRY and fix it....umm no straight to voicemail.
I went to a beautician when I was about 18 with my mother and asked for a trim. At the time I had SL approaching APL hair (which seems to be my terminal length). My hair grows in a V and always has so when I asked for my hair to be cut even I meant hit the ragged ends not cut my hair even with my shortest layer. How about she cut my hair somewhere between NL and EL. I couldn't even get it in a pony tail!!!!! She then proceeded to cut my mother's hair the same (she's where I get the V from). Even the stylists in the shop were looking at her with the side eye while she flat ironed us. AND the cuts were ugly. No style, no layers, no movement. We didn't know we had both been butchered until flat iron time!!! I have only let a stylist cut my hair twice since then and we headed straight to the BSS for some tracks to hide the travesty! My mother made me do her hair for years after that.
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Yep, my last visit as a matter of fact. I was 13 months post and got a blow out(in November). I had been transitioning and gained a lot of new growth only to get a heat damaged nape that is completely straight. I have a little curl coming in at my roots now thankfully, but all that hair that I saved actually my nape was 18 months post (because I stopped nape earlier) down the drain. Live and learn.....to do without heat and straight hair or do so with extreme care and caution!
Chile....ruined ain't the word!


I grew up letting friends, family members braid my hair. I don't know how but i always seemed to be able to keep hair on my head and retain length. On eof my cousins used to braid my hair sooooo tight i'd become Asian...and my scalp would THROB.

I would go to the salon and they ALWAYS hacked off about 2 inches of my hair and i wouldn't go that often.

THEE WORST EXPERIENCE IN MY HAIR'S HISTORY: A stylist my mom advised me to go to....omg.....

One day i washed my hair...and i had NO clue my mom set up an appointment for me to go to her the next day to get a relaxer. Do you know...the stylist said she would still do it? So...me being super young and naive...i was in high school...and i figured she knew what to do...i went along with it. My scalp became a Smokey the Bear forest fire!!! I had sores that oozed my hair was falling out and breaking off...i had to change pillowcases because of it all...it was horrible. And then a few weeks later i had a horrible color issue...i wanted to be blonde like Ciara the singer(back in the day)...so she bleached it...my whole nape fell out. AND my hair was Carrot Top orange...i looked like pebbles!!!:nono:...i had to go in the next day to get it died a deep burgundy color and i ended up looking like Annie...i liked that color tho. After that my dad forbid my mom to take me back up there to her:lol: I rejoiced!:woohoo:

What was worse is that this stylist was actually a family member...and honestly ya'll...she's a sweet person...but i will NOT let her touch my head again:nono: I later found a good hair stylist at JCPenney's...she simply advised me to only use oil sheen on my hair instead of pink lotion...so i did...it KINDA worked tho. My hair seemed to become a lot more healthier with her...but then she moved back to New Jersey and i was SO sad.

Other stylists i went to after her just seemed to always have so much attitude and/or i hated how i was paying so much money just to come out the salon still lookin like :ohwell: meh...so i just stopped going. I haven't seen a beautician since 2008....and i found the hairboards and learned how to do EVERYTHING by myself. The only thing i don't do is braid...i let my sister do my braids bc she is also on a hair journey and she reads the boards too...so i trust her not to sabotage my progress.

I have NO desire right now to go to a "professional". I may go later in life to get a curly cut...but that will be after i make WL:yep:
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i got my hair burned straight when i was natural several years ago. oh and i asked for a trim and got a fade....my hair was NL.
If I ever slip hit my head and wake up in a salon chair I will demand to face the mirror so I can watch every single thing the stylist did.
Three times, although the third time may have been my fault

The first time, I really don't remember what happened. What I do remember was that I went to the salon religiously and yet, one day my hair began to fall out. They tried to blame me, saying perhaps I did or didn't do something at home, but that wasn't the case. Theirs were the only hands that touched my hair. I trusted them to be the professionals and that my hair was safe in their hands. Found out the hard way that it wasn't.

The second time the girl who worked at a salon, but I later found out didn't even have a license, was careless. It was late and some guys came into the salon just to talk. She was paying more attention to her non work related conversations and less on how long the relaxer sat in my hair.

When she finally rinsed it and went to comb it out, my hair was comming out. Lot's of hair. I told her that something was wrong but she said it was just shedding. I let her know that, that was not normal shedding, my hair NEVER does that! The owner was brought over and come to find out, the girl over processed my hair. They did an emergency protein treatment and told me that until things got back to normal, not to use heat. They had to cut my hair and also told me that I'd need to come in once a week for a few months for protein conditioning until my hair was back to normal. AND I HAD TO PAY for these corrections!!! I was pissed and decided to never let them perform another chemical service on my hair again. I learned to do protein treatments on my own and never went back.

The last time was when I was totally natural and wanted a relaxer. My hair was very healthy and a bit past APL almost BSL. I didn't tell the stylist that I was totally natural and she only did my roots. I just assummed that being a stylist she would be able to tell natural from relaxed. But, how I didn't notice immediately what she was doing was beyond me. I think I was too busy chatting up other patrons and staff. When I figured out what she did, she had to go back and correct it by relaxing the rest. And to make sure that... well, actually I'm not sure why she did it (don't remember the explanation) but she cut my almost BSL hair to SL. I was VERY upset and was teary eyed as I walked to my car.

I've learned not to trust beauticians, even now. I've found that I have better success than I ever did taking care of my hair on my own. It rarely looks bouncy and sleek like I just stepped out of a salon, because of the lack of heat that I use, but it's definitely healthier.

Not to say that I've never made mistakes too, as I'm still learning new things everyday. But, my mistakes have never been as bad AND if anyone is going to skrew up my hair, I'd rather it be me...and I'll be damned if I ever actually pay someone AFTER they've damaged my hair again.

I got soooo mad reading the green. The nerve of those heifers. :evil::evil::angry2::angry2::swearing::swearing:
Back when I was relaxed I had a stylist burn the back of my hair off with a marcel iron. She didn't tell me, and I didn't know until about a week later when I went to put my hair in a half up style and realized I didn't have any hair to leave out in the back :nono: My hair went from BSL to NL in the back, but luckily I had enough hair to cover it up until it grew back.
I went to a beautician when I was about 18 with my mother and asked for a trim. At the time I had SL approaching APL hair (which seems to be my terminal length). My hair grows in a V and always has so when I asked for my hair to be cut even I meant hit the ragged ends not cut my hair even with my shortest layer. How about she cut my hair somewhere between NL and EL. I couldn't even get it in a pony tail!!!!! She then proceeded to cut my mother's hair the same (she's where I get the V from). Even the stylists in the shop were looking at her with the side eye while she flat ironed us. AND the cuts were ugly. No style, no layers, no movement. We didn't know we had both been butchered until flat iron time!!! I have only let a stylist cut my hair twice since then and we headed straight to the BSS for some tracks to hide the travesty! My mother made me do her hair for years after that.

One of the worst phrases to use at a salon. My mom said the same exact words and she got the same cut you did. My mom went from sl to a twa.