Harsh Chemicals in cosmetics!!!(long)


New Member
I found this on a website. Just do a search on some of the ingredients in your hair stuff and see what they are supposed to do and if they are harmful. Check this out.

Sodium Lauryl sulfate (SLS) is used in concrete floor cleaners, engine degreasers, car wash detergents.
Along with hundreds of personal care products including probably every major brand of toothpaste you can find.
Cosmetics and personal care products containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate:
could keep children's eyes from developing properly. Children under six are especially vulnerable to improper eye development;
can cause cataracts in adults and delay healing of wounds on the cornea;
can build up and cause major problems in the heart, liver, lungs and brain;
can cause roughness and flaking of the skin;
is a caustic cleanser that could corrode the hair;
is routinely used in clinical studies to deliberately irritate the skin so the effects of other substances can be tested.
also an ingredient and a commonly raved about product is harsh too. It is used in antifreeze!!!

Propylene glycol is also used as a solvent in acrylics, stains, inks and dyes, and in cellophane and brake fluid. It is used as a preservative in flavored coffees. PG can have an anesthetic effect. Other side effects on animals exposed to PG include heart arrhythmia, stunted growth, decreased blood pressure, and even death. BG – Butylene Glycol – is now being used to replace PG in some personal care products, even though Butylene Glycol is the only one of the glycols that has not been able to even to get on the GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) list!

Sorry I was going to get this product,but I wanted to check out the ingredients in it first. I actually never thought about the ingredients until now.

The product is SURGE!!! it has propylene glycol in it!!!
Hmm, I would take these with a grain of salt. I used to get all scared, but then I realized that products can be used in different things and still be safe for use at home. Regular table salt is made up of a poisonous gas and another poisonous substance, but it still ok for consumption.

I know that SLS can be very drying/irritating to the hair, but I don't know if a product with Propylene glycol is harmful or not.
I know the same stuff that they want us to wash our hair with is in the stuff that I scrub my toilet with. I personally find this to be scary.
Well this is how u should know you shouldnt be that wary about propylene glycol at least the one found in surge. It says one of its bad side effects is it stunts growth, and from wat I read many surge users are experiencing increase of growth. Everything that we consume on an everyday basis has adverse side effects if consumed in great amounts. Youd be amazed at the chemicals used to preserve, clean, maintain, and grow the produce we consume and yet we still gotta eat our veggies right?
Just something to ponder on
It is true that they use chemicals on produce, but think about this.... A long time ago they didn't think cigarettes where harmful, but we all no that isn't true. Also there are medicine that people are being put on today that could cause psychological/physical problems that we cant even conceive of yet. Also, who's to say that the chemicals that they put on produce isn't what's causing all of these cancers and diseases today and we just haven't figured it out yet.
Not to be hypocritical, I might even try surge, because it's not like I'll use it forever and the chemicals are harmful if used for extended periods of time. When I get my hair as long as I want it I won't be using any hair growth products anyway. I just don't want to put something on my body that will harm me and not have any idea.
While SLS is an irritant, it is used in all of those products to produce foam. Simple as that. I do believe SLS comes from coconuts. Also, just because these ingredients are added to household cleaning products or antifreeze does not that ingredient is dangerous. Water is in those products as well. That doesn't mean water is bad for you.

Edited to say: I looked at the website and they are selling a lot of products as alternatives to products found in stores. Hidden agenda for posting this information about harmful prodcuts?
I found some information on propylene glycol at http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts96.html.

Here's an excerpt:

Propylene glycol is slightly syrupy liquid but can also be turned into a vapor when shaken or heated.

"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene glycol as an additive that is "generally recognized as safe" for use in food. It is used to absorb extra water and maintain moisture in certain medicines, cosmetics, or food products. It is a solvent for food colors and flavors.

Propylene glycol is also used to create artificial smoke or fog used in fire-fighting training and in theatrical productions."
Sillygurl18 thanks for supplying the information. This is exactly the basis of Dr. Hulda Clark's research. She is a naturopathic doctor and author of "A Cure for All Cancers", "A Cure for Advanced Cancer", "A Cure for HIV and AIDS". She found that the alcohols and other harsh chemicals store in the liver leading to many health problems including cancer. Why wait until we are sick or dying to make a change when we can do it today?
Arbonne International is a company that sells natural and botanical skincare and cosmetics. I am a wholesaler now for them. Their stuff is pricey, but it's da bomb!!
I'm now skeptical about this, because if you notice, after they tell you about these supposed harsh chemicals they say don't worry we have what you need right here. While the things they say may be true to an extent, they are still trying to sell a product.