Hard Water (One of the Unrecognized Saboteurs of Hair Growth) Map. Take A Look!

I suspected I had hard water and danggit, I was right!!! This is very helpful info. Thanks, ladies!

*heads off to HomeDepot.com...*
Had to update and bump up this very important thread. Big Kudos to the OP of this thread!

I went to Lowe's to check out their water softners and noticed that they had a brochure on hard water as well as free water hardness test strips.

I used the "HACH" Softcheck Water Hardness Test Strip to test my water whey I got home. Well, I guess that map from 1975 was right on the money. My test strip came back with "Very Hard".

Now I'm searching for the best deal/softner for my home. I knew that there was a reason I loved washing my hair whenever I would visit my mother's and why I only use distilled water to wash/condition my hair at home.

If you want to be sure if you have hard water or not, just go to your local Lowe's and inquire about the free water hardness test strips.

Again, Kudos to the OP of this thread!
For those of you who have shower filters, have you tested the water that is filtered? I no longer have a shower filter, but I was curious as to whether or not it truly helps with solving some of the hard water issues.
bumping this topic!

tryn2growmyhair said:
Thanks to all of you for these tips. I am also looking forward to finding out if anyone tested their water after getting a filter.
I haven't tested yet, but I've been using distilled water to wet my hair and as a final rinse and I have seen a 100% turnaround.
baglady215 said:
I haven't tested yet, but I've been using distilled water to wet my hair and as a final rinse and I have seen a 100% turnaround.

Thanks for responding. I'm saving my pennies now to get a water softner for my home. The shower filter didn't really work for my hair and skin.

I also use dw (only) for washing and conditoning my hair. It is a little time consuming, washing my hair in the sink, but it's so worth it!
Asha97 said:
Thanks for responding. I'm saving my pennies now to get a water softner for my home. The shower filter didn't really work for my hair and skin.

I also use dw (only) for washing and conditoning my hair. It is a little time consuming, washing my hair in the sink, but it's so worth it!
Please let me know how this works out.

I now live in a soft water and my hair has grown a lot since I moved from a hard water area.
Amazing. I grew up and now live in "slightly hard water" areas and my hair was fine. When I went to college in a "moderately hard water" area my hair broke off and laughed at the water...

And thinking back, the best hair days I had were in Louisiana visiting my great-grandmother (I was natural and my hair was long & soft) and come to find out she was in a "soft water" area. :eek:
Im late in this thread but I believe this is so true. I stay in a "white area" according to the map and I know we have hard water for sure (FL). My godmother moved up to DC area awhile back and her hair is so long and much healthier than hair you see down here. She even notices the difference when she comes down here on holiday. Where can you get shower filters at?? for cheap.
I add bicarbonate soda to my conditioner wash or any final wash. In London and the surrounding South East counties, the water is very hard.
To those that have made changes to their water systems -- have you seen a difference in your hair? If so, could you please let us know the products that you used? Thanks so much. Tryn.
My husband ordered a Paragon water filter for me last week. I really hope it gets here today or tomorrow. I've been doing a final rinse with distilled water in the meantime. I don't know what else I can do. I hate to go without at least rinsing my hair every day.
I guess I have no choice now but to purchase and have installed the home system. Yesterday I visited three local Walmarts trying to find distilled water to no avail. The shelves were cleaned out! :eek:

My husband said to me, why keep buying the jugs? Let's just get the system and call it a day.

Needless to say, I'm :yay: :yay: :yay: with joy!
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Asha97 said:
I guess I have no choice now but to purchase and have installed the home system. Yesterday I visited three local Walmarts trying to find distilled water to no avail. The shelves were cleaned out! :eek:

My husband's said to me, why keep buying the jugs? Let's just get the system and call it a day.

Needless to say, I'm :yay: :yay: :yay: with joy!
Congratulations! :cheers: :dance7: :dance7: :dance7: :dance7:
:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:

Let us know how it goes! ;) BTW, are you the same person behind Asha's naturals?

Your hair has grown a lot. What is your regime? TIA! :D
Bumpity bump bump!

Did anyone ever test their filtered water for softness? I'm curious as to whether a shower filter will do the trick or if I need something more substantial. TIA, guys. :D
although the map says that i live in a soft water area- my water is hard. I just recently realized this so i started adding liquid aloe vera to my conditioner that i use for my daily cowashes and this is helping. I also realized that i wasn't moisturizing properly so i made a glycerin/water mix and i have been using that daily as a moisturizer with great results.
Bumping for more replies!

Very interesting thread! I use distilled water for my hair, but it's very cold to my scalp and seems to tangle my hair more. So I have to rinse with the warm hard water!

My hubby is going to get me a filter tonight. Did anyone test their filter and see if their water was still hard???
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carameldiva said:
although the map says that i live in a soft water area- my water is hard. I just recently realized this so i started adding liquid aloe vera to my conditioner that i use for my daily cowashes and this is helping. I also realized that i wasn't moisturizing properly so i made a glycerin/water mix and i have been using that daily as a moisturizer with great results.
What does liquid aloe vera do? I have some at home that I have not used. It will be good to know what it does. Right now, I live in a soft water area and my hair several inches past my shoulder. When I lived in a hard water area my hair barely grew the entire time and it was just above my shoulders. I am convinced that the hard water was part of the problem. The other part of the problem is that I really did not know much about hair care then, but that is for another thread...
tryntogrowhair, the liquid aloe vera is a moisturizer so adding that to the conditioner immediately softened my hair and it was soft and moisturized all day long.
carameldiva said:
tryntogrowhair, the liquid aloe vera is a moisturizer so adding that to the conditioner immediately softened my hair and it was soft and moisturized all day long.
Thanks so much. I will add mine, it is actually aloe vera juice. Is this the same as what you used? Thanks in advance for your response.
tryn, i believe that the one i have and the one that you have are similar but not exactly the same. From what i understand you should have the same results that i did. Good luck girl and keep me posted, k.