Hard vs. Soft Bonnet Hair Dryers

What Type of Hair Dryer Do You Use?

  • I use a hard bonnet hair dryer

    Votes: 49 56.3%
  • I use a soft bonnet hair dryer

    Votes: 38 43.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Hey ladies...for those who rollerset or wet wrap and sit under a dryer, which do you prefer, and why? I like my current soft bonnet dryer, but I'm not sure if it dries my hair as quickly as a hard bonnet. All opinions are welcome :)
i just bought and use a hard bonnet for rollersets but i'd much rather prefer to use a soft bonnet.well, that is, if it didnt take me all dang day to dry my hair under the soft.i would love for them to come out with a soft bonnet dryer with 1200 watts or more,if thats even possible.
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Since I was 10 years old I have always had a soft bonnet dryer. Back then it was because I did not have to sit still for so long, now, well, I guess it's for the same reason. However, when feel like spending some extra money, I will buy a hard dryer for conditioning and for styles that the soft bonnet may not be good for.
i dont have it yet, but im going to be using soft bonnet....strictly for the portablility....i can actually do stuff while im drying my hair and im not confined to one spot :D
I chose soft bonnet because that's what I have at home. However, it takes me longer under a soft bonnet then a hard one.
I've got a soft bonnet dryer because I enjoy the portability. It's also much easier to store. Maybe one day I'll get a hard bonnet if the soft bonnet doesn't continue to work out for me.
Since I can't sit still for long periods of time, I looove my Ionic Soft Bonnet Dryer! It dries my hair in 45 minutes ( I also use the largest rollers I can - currently 3" Light Green ones). The only thing is I can't do my conditioning treatments with it. So I use a conditioning heat cap for that.
I had a soft bonnet, but it's with my inlaws. It takes a long time for my hair to dry under one. So for now, I'm using my hard hat.
simcha said:
Since I can't sit still for long periods of time, I looove my Ionic Soft Bonnet Dryer! It dries my hair in 45 minutes ( I also use the largest rollers I can - currently 3" Light Green ones). The only thing is I can't do my conditioning treatments with it. So I use a conditioning heat cap for that.

are you talking about this?? the gold n hot ionic dryer http://www.imperialsales.net/gh2138.html
That's what it looks like but it's by Ion. I bought it at Sally's for around $30.

If you do a search under "Ion Soft Bonnet Dryer" JetCityGirl (I think that's who it was) posted a photograph of it.
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I use the soft bonnet if I am in the bed reading or relaxing because I can recline quite comfortably. I like the heat settings, bells & whistles, and timer on my hard bonnet (bought it from a salon/has a seat attached) and this is what I use most often.
I have had several soft bonnet dryers over the years, all made by LadyCarel, and one every single one the plastic ring on the bonnet where you attach the airtube tore away. I ended up using tape, bobby pins and anything else keep the tube connected. Also, the drawstring that tightens the bonnet loses its elastic very quickly, and I had to jerry rig that too to get it to stay on my head. So a few months ago I said "forget it":mad: and purchased a $100 hard bonnet dryer on a stand with casters, and I love it.

But now this Ion soft bonnet dryer looks like it would work much better than what I had. Hmmmm.....
simcha said:
That's what it looks like but it's by Ion. I bought it at Sally's for around $30.

If you do a search under "Ion Soft Bonnet Dryer" JetCityGirl (I think that's who it was) posted a photograph of it.

GOSHDARNIT you're making me want oneeeeeeee and i JUSTTTT bought a hard bonnet dryer.whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Lol, y'all are a bad influence...I purchased the Jilbere ProStyle Hard Bonnet Hair dryer today...I'm sitting under it as I type this. This sucka is blazing hot! Much moreso than my soft one. I think this may be a keeper. I can't see myself being under here more than 1.5 hours max :)
BrEE said:
GOSHDARNIT you're making me want oneeeeeeee and i JUSTTTT bought a hard bonnet dryer.whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Sorry about that... LOL! I had just made a New Year's Hair Resolution not to buy any new products, when I say the post. After someone said they put an extension cord on their's and walked around the house - I grabbed my checkbook and ran out the door...
Mochalolita said:
Lol, y'all are a bad influence...I purchased the Jilbere ProStyle Hard Bonnet Hair dryer today...I'm sitting under it as I type this. This sucka is blazing hot! Much moreso than my soft one. I think this may be a keeper. I can't see myself being under here more than 1.5 hours max :)

you dont waste no time, do you mocha?? glad you're liking it. :)
told ya it was hot
Naw girl...the hair situation was getting kind of critical, lol. My comb wouldn't make it through the back of my head :lol: I HAD to buy a new dryer so I could do my touch up....yeaaaahhhh...that sounds like a good excuse...and I'm sticking to it!
Mochalolita said:
Hey ladies...for those who rollerset or wet wrap and sit under a dryer, which do you prefer, and why? I like my current soft bonnet dryer, but I'm not sure if it dries my hair as quickly as a hard bonnet. All opinions are welcome :)

Soft bonnet driers used to take too long. I would have to sit under them for over an hour or more. Also, I use really big rollers for my hair and they would not fit into the drier. I switched to a table top dryer for a while and that worked better. I now use the Pibbs Kwik dry that I have seen at one of New York's best AA salons and at a Dominican salon (but the relaxer was three times at the AA salon, go figure :perplexed:) and ithas more than paid for itself, because I no longer need to go to a salon for a rollersets. I was mostly going because they had such nice driers. If you are thinking of buying a drier, consider shopping around for a professional dryer and save yourself some money. If you already know how to rollerset well, you will be able to do your hair yourself and get salon results.
I have been air drying for the past few months but, when I did dry, I used both. I hate drying time. I have an old GE Bonnet dryer that I used when I got sick and tired of sitting under the hard dryer. :p I could wash my hair and put on a good DVD and lounge on the sofa or in the bed or even go to sleep for the night and wake up with dryed hair. It was also more convenient to take with me if I went on a business trip. I am going to invest in a Pibbs in the next month or two.....Like I said, I hate drying time and that is the reason why I went between the two. I think that when I get the Pibbs, I won't use the soft bonnet as much.
I have a soft and won't be investing in a hard until I get to elbow length or have a daughter (and therefore another head to tend to). I showed the mister the model "we" want when that happens. He looked at me like :confused: . :lol:
Since I was 6 years, I have always been longhaired and always been sitting under professional hard hats. With my big head (full of rollers) I would not enter under soft hoods that I know..... I made a test one day, a friend proposed me to do the test, so we used smaller rollers (about 1 and half inches) but it took nearly 4 hours to dry. Under hard hat I need 1 and half, except when my hair is very long (waist), in which case 2 hours are required.
However I am very interested with the post of Simcha and will pm her about.
Shatani said:
i dont have it yet, but im going to be using soft bonnet....strictly for the portablility....i can actually do stuff while im drying my hair and im not confined to one spot :D

I agree with Shatani about the portability of a soft bonnet. I use a hard bonnet for drying and a soft bonnet for treatments because I find they don't get as hot and treatments need only to be warmed.
I use the Gold N Hot spaceship gold one. I love it.

I never use my hard bonnet anymore. You've got to set it up and the back of my hair takes forever to dry under that hard one. The soft one envelopes the whole head.
Soft Boooonnnnnet! :yep: yes maam. I have an vintage GE that I got of Ebay for $7.50 - 2 weeks ago! Dries my hair in under an hour.

I also have the ion ionic silver spaceman looking one, but I haven't used it yet.....

I just sold my hardbonnet on ebay. took forever to dry my hair - good riddance. One time I bought a rollaround dryer on castors with a stand, could never get under it quite right - returned it.