Hard Smelly Water Damaging?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies, I live in a place with hard nasty smelly water. I don't even drink it. My closet where the water heater sits smells like rotten eggs.. I was wondering if this water could be bad for my hair. I've searched online and the reviews were only about sulfur water and how it's good to bathe in it. But I feel like its harming my hair. Anyone have any info about this?
It should be okay if you clarify your hair routinely and deep condition it regularly.

My water is hard and I deep condition every time I wash. My water also has a slight smell in certain faucets.
A Filter may help?

I know the folks that have invested in various filters (shower, faucet) has had some success with them.

ETA: This Lady that use to do my Pedicures who was TBL use to collect Rain Water to Rinse her Hair.
Thanks ladies that's it... I clarify but will start to clarify more often and I'm definitely buying a water filter this weekend. Don't know why I didn't think of that.. But as usual, y'all have come thru! Kisses!!
Yes. I had a major setback in 2010 because of it. Clarifying doesn't help much especially if you're doing so in the same hard water. I began using bottled water to wash my hair because it was my only viable alternative at the tine. However, it's best to just buy a water filter for the shower head.
Yes. I had a major setback in 2010 because of it. Clarifying doesn't help much especially if you're doing so in the same hard water. I began using bottled water to wash my hair because it was my only viable alternative at the tine. However, it's best to just buy a water filter for the shower head.
Wait.. Really? What happened? Did your hair break off in sections or did you have to cut it all off? I suspect that's one of the major reasons I decided to go natural again a few weeks ago. I had severe breakage down to the new growth in sections and thought it was my last relaxer.
Wait.. Really? What happened? Did your hair break off in sections or did you have to cut it all off? I suspect that's one of the major reasons I decided to go natural again a few weeks ago. I had severe breakage down to the new growth in sections and thought it was my last relaxer.

It had a hard crispy feel and was breaking. My floor was filled with broken strands of hair and I couldn't understand why. My skin was taking a hit as well but not as bad as my hair. I went to a salon in the area and the hairdresser tried to cut the damaged pieces while preserving my length - apl. When I got home however, my personal hairdresser cut it to shoulder length.
My friend who has her hair natural was having the same issue. She just decided to wear her hair in a plait and not to touch it until she was ready to wash lol. She is a daily cowasher. Her mother was the one who pointed out that we were bathing in hard water and that was the culprit.
It had a hard crispy feel and was breaking. My floor was filled with broken strands of hair and I couldn't understand why. My skin was taking a hit as well but not as bad as my hair. I went to a salon in the area and the hairdresser tried to cut the damaged pieces while preserving my length - apl. When I got home however, my personal hairdresser cut it to shoulder length.
Same here... Hair on the floor everywhere. Now I know the culprit. Didn't want to believe it was my water but now I'm a believer... So glad I'm a LHCF girl. Thank you!
My friend who has her hair natural was having the same issue. She just decided to wear her hair in a plait and not to touch it until she was ready to wash lol. She is a daily cowasher. Her mother was the one who pointed out that we were bathing in hard water and that was the culprit.
Uh huh... Ain't that a bi*ch!... I Should have asked y'all months ago.
I recently purchased a shower filter and used my cheating shampoo. I can't really describe how my hair is different, it just is. I think my hair stays moisturized longer and is a bit softer but that could be the products that I'm using.

I'm unsure if Amazon Prime is an option for you but the shower filter is even cheaper now than when I purchased it a month ago.

I recently purchased a shower filter and used my cheating shampoo. I can't really describe how my hair is different, it just is. I think my hair stays moisturized longer and is a bit softer but that could be the products that I'm using.

I'm unsure if Amazon Prime is an option for you but the shower filter is even cheaper now than when I purchased it a month ago.

Wow! 29.99... Yes I'm on Amazon prime but ima check WalMart today. I'm excited now I can't wait!
My aunt had a situation like what you described and it turned out there was a magnesium rod in the water heater. It is supposed to be there but I forget the reason why it smelled bad. At any rate my cousin came by and added like a cup of bleach to the water heater and smell was gone completely. If memory serves we waited about an hour then turned the temp up on the heater and ran the dishwasher.
I did not really watch him so I cannot say how easy or hard it is to handle but he was only in there about half an hour...maybe it was less.
Anyway hope that helps!
My water isn't smelly, but I only wash my hair where there's a water filter...my shower. I wouldn't trust smelly water on my body let alone my hair.
Sprite water filter from Lowe's works wonders. While it may not remove 100% of impurities, I think it says it'll remove most. I love mine. My water isn't smelly but the water at my job is so I know what you mean. ETA: I still chelate (and clarify) once a month to remove any buildup from water or product.