Hard, glue type ends! Help please!


"Honestly, Truly"
Hi all.

I recently washed my hair and moisturized the ends with profectiv anti breakage serum (don't ask)

Anyway, since then, my ends seem GLUED together and are hard and really straight (I have a curly perm) My hair looks odd!

Should I just wash my hair and start again, or will this wear off? (it's been 2 days)

I think you should wash it, either that or wet your ends to ssee if that loosens up the hold.

I didn't know they had an anti-breakage serum. Is this their pink moisturizer? Or the scalp stuff?
Thanx, I think your right, but i'd prefer your second option to wet the ends.

It's a new 'beads' thingy, well, the top is green and the bottom is yellow and you mix it up, sorry I know i'm not making much sense but it's hard to explain!

I think its the Profectiv making your ends glue-like. Maybe try applying less of it when your hair is damp/dry.
It did?! oh dear! Another product to carry to the UK meet!

Poohbear, it's for the scalp anyway, so it was my own fault, it hasn't caused any problems when applied to the scalp.
