Happy trim...


New Member
I know we all post horror stories about trims....

But, today I went to the girl who used to do my relaxers (she still does my mom and cousin's relaxers) before I started doing them myself. First, she cut a little bit off. I had to tell her to cut more. She said she didn't want to cut too much!

My hair really needed to be trimmed. I haven't had a trim since early July. Part of my hair broke off in August--which is what prompted me to start doing my own relaxers. It grew so that the longest strands were about an inch from SL. The problem is that the part that broke-off was much shorter than the longest strands so it was looking kinda jacked. I had her to even everything off.

Now I am 2-2.5 inches from SL. I can deal with this because (a) thanks to you geniuses I now know how to take real good care of my hair so I won't need another trim until at least December and (b) all of the growth products (looks over at Natural Lady) will allow me to grow faster.

I just thought I'd post to say that all stylists are not scissor happy.
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