Happy Passover

The jew in me had matzoh for breakfast.

I was going to bring this subject up at Easter. Why is it that Easter and Passover are celebrated separately? Jesus was resurrected during Passover. Early Christians used to celebrate Easter and Passover together. Remember that Christians are Jews that believe that Christ is the Messiah. Somehow, over time Easter was changed to Sunday and Passover can fall on any day of the week.

I believe that the two should be linked. Easter is also known as Pascha. Pascha comes from the Hebrew word Pesah, which means Passover. Passover signifies a time of rescue and Easter signifies when Jesus rescued us from eternal death and punishment from our sins by his death and resurrection.

Think about it, the Passover lamb and Jesus the Passover Lamb were slaughtered the same day. The Last Supper was at the beginning of Passover, Jesus and his disciples slaughtered a lamb at the last supper. Jesus was dead and buried before the start of the second day of Passover.

Jesus was called the Lamb of God by John in John 1:29 "Look! There is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!". Paul refers to Jesus as our Passover Lamb in 1 Corinthians 5:7.

I am looking for a concrete answer(s) why Easter and Passover became separate throughout the centuries. I am also looking for answers why the Jewish traditions of early Christians was abandonned. I am sure I will find the answers in my studies.

Here is a brief article regarding Passover and Jesus. It is brief and well done.

Happy Passover to us all

girl i thought i was all alone w/ the Passover. Why we dont celebrate............
well i did the pagan talk on the what holidays thread hee hee hee

peace and blessings
to sbg4evr,

I am Orthodox and the church teaches that though it was during the passover the Lords supper was first celabrated after Jesus rose he celabrated the resurrection with the disciples on the first day of the week. He broke bread with them. Since also many new Christians were not only Jews they had no tradition of the Jewish passover. The Jews of that time who followed Christ did still celabrate both but as time went on the converts were less and less. Then Paul also taught that we should not worry about what holiday someone does or does not celabrate or how. For Christians the communion meal is the celabration of the lamb of God for us. For he is the fullfiment of all that came before. So for many new Christians the first day of the week became as it states in the bible the day Christians came together to worship, praise and partake of the communion.