Happy Hair Friday


New Member
So I did my Friday hair pampering early today. I'm one week post mild texturizer (after a 5 month stretch.) I shampooed my hair, then did Sebastian cellophane in golden brown to cover old orangey ends from color I did about 18 months ago. After the cellophane, I DC with Lorys Deep Hidrat (which I purchased specifically for the polyquaternium) and added a dropperful of silk amino acids to it. Then I deep conditioned under the heat cap for 45 minutes. After I rinsed my hair felt smooth, strong and just :grin:

I moisturized with miss jessie's rapid recovery (used as a leave in) and stretch silkening cream and them braided my hair with rods on the ends.

The way my hair felt wet was a totally new experience for me. It made me think that I might be able to co-wash mid week. I usually only "do" my hair once a week because my hair is very fragile when soaking wet, even with protein. But my hair felt...happy while wet. I'll post how it turns out after the set, and maybe even add a photo....
Okay.....So.....Is This Sorta' Like; Happy Hour?:dance7:

Anyway: I pulled out all My Oils & My Mastex Heat Cap and I will be doing HOTS on Friday and then Co-Washing, Hendigo'ing and DC'ing.

This will be the Added "Tweak" in my Fall/Winter Hair Regimen since the Season is Upon Us. I think the HOTS will help combat dryness/brittleness from the Elements (so I am anxious to see).:grin:

Glad Your Products are working for You.
Ha ha, I'm sitting under my Ion soft hooded dryer. I love this thing! I've gotten so many chores done today. I did laundry and cleaned the bathroom and made my bed (I have a long extension cord).

I felt like color today so after my shampoo I put on a VIA burgundy rinse, then DC'd with Keracare humecto. My hair was really soft. Then my NTM leave-in, and to detangle I just used a serum. The thing has to be put on my roots now that I'm 4 weeks post. Now my hair is wrapped up and I'm under a low heat dryer. I'm glad I stopped using Motions foaming wrap lotion coz it dried out my hair.