
New Member
Hi, ladies! :wave: I just wanted to wish each of you a very blessed day but more importantly, on this Good Friday, I just want each of you to reflect on what the Good Lord Jesus did for us. Although this day is just a day that represents the day He died for us on the cross, for me, I just give Him all the praise, glory, and honor for saving us on that day many, many years ago. AND I am so thankful that I have received Him in my life and HE IS STILL ALIVE!

God bless you all!!!! :wave:
Hi, ladies! :wave: I just wanted to wish each of you a very blessed day but more importantly, on this Good Friday, I just want each of you to reflect on what the Good Lord Jesus did for us. Although this day is just a day that represents the day He died for us on the cross, for me, I just give Him all the praise, glory, and honor for saving us on that day many, many years ago. AND I am so thankful that I have received Him in my life and HE IS STILL ALIVE!

God bless you all!!!! :wave:

Praise Him!!!!!
Amen!!! I think many of us don't realize how much he suffered and was tortured for US. I praise HIM cuz He didn't have to do it but He did.

I praise Him even more cuz not only did He die but HE ROSE WITH ALL POWER!!!!!!

I hope everyone has a chance to reflect on this today.

GOD Bless
Thank you, Jesus. Even if I was the only person in the world willing to have salvation out of billions that would come and go, you STILL would have done it still for me. I'm so grateful...I love you, Jesus. Thank you.
Lord I thank you for all you continue to do for me; and all that you shall. Lord I am not worthy, but I offer myself completly to you Lord Jesus. Continue to bless me with your blood, as I offer you all the praise and the glory Lord for you are worthy!!!
Jesus, what a wonderful and sweet name.
I love You lord.
Thank You for your forgiveness.
Thank You for your blessings.
You are so worthy to be celebrated, praised and worshipped.

And Happy Good Friday everybody!