Happy And Blessed Thanksgiving!!!


God's Own
Extending thoughts and prayers for a wonderful, safe and blessed Thanksgiving to all of you and your families.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving Day 2016? (Edit: Inspired by @Subscribe)

What is everyone doing on this wonderful day of Family, Friends and Food? What's cooking on the stove and in the ovens?


For me, I am most thankful that the Lord has saved and forgiven me. Secondly, I am thankful to be blessed with my health and strength, my beautiful family and extraordinary friends.

My family is going from house to house visiting and eating with friends and family. However, I 'm still preparing a turkey, dressing, pole string beans, corn, yams, dinner rolls and raspberry cheesecake.
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I didn't go to bed until 4, but I started prepping food last night. Thank goodness for that!

This year I am going to a potluck at my sister in law's house. I'm making southwest stuffing and peanut butter blondies :dinnertime:

My family celebrated thanksgiving yesterday, cause me and my pops both work on the holidays