Handheld Tourmaline Blow dryer?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone suggest a handheld tourmaline blow dryer w/ a comb attachment?

I don't blowdry often, but when I do, I want to choose the healthier alternative.
I have the T3 Tourmaline. It is very lightweight, and dries hair fast on lower heat. It did not come with a comb attachment, just a directional nozzle. I suppose you could get the comb separately? I got the dryer from www.folica.com.
I have the T3 Tourmaline. It is very lightweight, and dries hair fast on lower heat. It did not come with a comb attachment, just a directional nozzle. I suppose you could get the comb separately? I got the dryer from www.folica.com.


Can you see a difference with the Tourmaline dryer, vs. the non-tourmaline ones?

I tried a comb attachment on the Revlon Tourmaline, but it didn't fit. Was hoping to find one with a comb to see if it fit before I purchased and wasn't able to return it.
A HUGE difference. The T3 gives me smoother results from root to tip. My old dryers were very hot but the air force not as strong. I would get frizz and straw, basically. Here's a pic where I dried with the T3

I don't use comb attachments, I use a round brush, it gives a smoother finish, IMO.
A HUGE difference. The T3 gives me smoother results from root to tip. My old dryers were very hot but the air force not as strong. I would get frizz and straw, basically. Here's a pic where I dried with the T3

I don't use comb attachments, I use a round brush, it gives a smoother finish, IMO.

Looks good to me. Hmmm. You got me thinking. I have a $20 hand held dryer and my hair feels terrible with it. I'll do some research on this dryer. Sounds like it might be pricey, but my hair is worth it.
KNow that this post is a bit old. But I would just like to say that I own the T3 (2 different models) and a CHI Rocket. Both give great results, but I really feel that the T3 is healthier for your hair. The T3 gives the most shine too.

I also look for a comb attachment. I havent found one to fit all three yet, but I search in the BSS for random attachmetns, then see if it fits. So far, I found one attachment in a random BSS that fits my CHI, and boy do the results make a difference.

This results may be OBE (overcome by events) but still wanted to post some info just in case someone is doing a search.