hand in hair syndrome

Caramel Jewel

Well-Known Member
:drunk:I'm three months into my transition....and I can't stop rubbing my new growth...I love it, I do it so much my hand gets sore....I sometimes hold my arm and elbow up until it gets sore....I have these little coils on top of my head...its great:drunk:
i haven't had a touch-up since April so i've got 5 months of new growth. i play in it and my goddaughter cannot get enough of it. the curls and waves are intoxicating and i have serious HiH syndrome!
I have it really bad, new growth or not, but around 6 wks post.....it's terrible. Sometimes i have to put on a silk scarf just to keep myself from playing with it all day!
I have my hand in my hair all friggin day. As a matter of fact, I was twirling my hair as I read the posts ahahaha

If wear my hair out curly its even worse. I even do this in meetings LOL