Hampton university


New Member
I was reading the newspaper the other day and my mom showed me an article about the ongoing "black hair issue". The author was just talking about how after soo many years, she would have thought that we (as society) would be over it. Basically what she was saying is that its all good hair, kinky, staight, relaxed, locked, twisted, whatever. Well one thing she talked about is hamptons policy with unusual hair styles - including braids. Susan Taylor was invited to speak and had to resend because of the policy. It made me soo MAD. I know we have all seen unusual hairstyles but come on. Braids, dreds, I don't know if they enforce this policy or not but it disgusts me and makes me sick to my stomach. Hampton is one of the oldest hbcus and the fact that they even have this backwards policy is really dissappointing and disgraceful. -Just thought I share
It makes me sad too :sad:. I guess they believe that upholding the status quo when it comes to hair will make them seem more legitimate and non-radical.
I believe this was discussed in the "Off Topic" forum in detail. I am a Hampton student, and while I did protest the policy- i understood what they were attempting to do, I just disagreed with the way they did it. Hampton is big on making sure that students know exactly what they will face in the outside world. Their is a strict enforced dress code (not picky- like a mother/father would be about everyday outfits- but strick with respect to professionalism). Business attire is required in certain venues on campus, and students are reqired to dress in respectful, decent attire. Though most cannot and prbably will not ever understand why a college would be so strict- most Hampton Students (that are actually there now- not graduated 4, 5, 10 years ago) will tell you that they appreciated them in the end, and have had many successes as a result. THe hair issue was indeed a large heated debate with students on both sides, and forums, meetings, etc were held. The university officials motives were not trying to maintain some status quo, or anything- they were just trying to impart "tough love" in their own, (albeit restrictive) way, which ended up inciting some arguments, debates, and dialogue.