Hairstylists..Please stop giving naturals misleading info


New Member
I have a friend that is natural with a texture of 3b/3c. She used to get her hair straightened a lot until I started educating her on how damaging heat can be to her hair. Her hair looks thinner than what I remember it being and she had straight ends. So, since then she cut off her damaged parts and started wearing her hair curly more often. Now her hair is healthier after nine weeks without heat. This past weekend she went back to the same hairstylist to get it straighten. I got a text from her and well guess what the stylist tells her about straightening her hair:

"My hairdresser said since my hair is so healthy and so naturally curly that I can afford to flat iron my hair every week. Ex. Wash and flat iron on a sunday and just wrap the other 6 days, then repeat on Sunday. She said the blogs are true but it depends on the person's hair and some people's hair is thinner and not as curly as others."

I know curly textures that are not as tight, require less heat for flat ironing, but I still think that once a week is too much stress on the hair and heat is heat. As far as i know she doesn't deep condition or anything unless she goes to a salon. I haven't flat ironed my hair for almost a year, because during my 10 month transistion I did every 2 weeks and had so much damage. My texture is 3c/4a. She even keeps pushing me to straighten my hair. I told her no, that my focus is on keeping my hair healthy and growing it out this year, hence the sew-ins.

I've given her advice numerous of times and even gave her websites to visit like this one and websites to natural products that are very good like Qhemet. I guess some people just have to learn on their own.
some people rather listen to stylists rather their friends or family who have the person's best interest b/c the stylist is a professional. Your friend will eventually learn when something major happens to her hair. Then she'll been running to you for the advice you originally gave.
Flat ironing once week isn't exactly the end of healthy hair. Seems like it was just as much a overall regime issue.
It really depends on the person. I was pressed for years and only DC'd once a month. I never had any heat damage. I applied heat to my hair once a week. It just depends on the individual and the skills of the person doing the press. Bad technique + high heat will give someone heat damage. One of the things I think hair dressers are doing now that is causing so much heat damage is not streatching hair before pressing. Taking curly hair and using the heat to do all the work will damage your curls quickly. I pre-stretch my hair before grabbing the flat iron and my coils and kinks bounce back every time. I also know that just because I am natural I don't need to dial the flat iron up to 400 or 450. 300 degrees will get my hair pretty straight but nothing more than 350.
It really depends on the person. I was pressed for years and only DC'd once a month. I never had any heat damage. I applied heat to my hair once a week. It just depends on the individual and the skills of the person doing the press. Bad technique + high heat will give someone heat damage. One of the things I think hair dressers are doing now that is causing so much heat damage is not streatching hair before pressing. Taking curly hair and using the heat to do all the work will damage your curls quickly. I pre-stretch my hair before grabbing the flat iron and my coils and kinks bounce back every time. I also know that just because I am natural I don't need to dial the flat iron up to 400 or 450. 300 degrees will get my hair pretty straight but nothing more than 350.

That is what happened to me a year ago and contributes to why I am so scared to put heat to my hair again! I know my friend uses a heat protectant, but I think she blowdrys because she doesn't know how to rollerset and she doesn't do any kind of deep treatment outside of going to the salon. Now that I think about, Pretty made a good point. She hadn't been to the hair dresser in nine weeks so I think the hair dresser is trying to get her to come more often like she used to. More money for her!
I think it depends on the person and who is doing it. I personally will not straighten more than once a month at most. Right now i am trying to grow my hair out and that is also part of the reason i dont do it much. I also like to wear my hair natural and not always go to a salon. I have a friend that straightens every two weeks and her hair is always on point. She likes her stylist and she does do a good job so it just depends, however i do not think her stylist blowdrys her hair, mine does, i think she gets a wash and set and flat irons and skips the blowdryer.
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