Hairstyles for Texlaxers


Active Member
Hi Ladies,

I'm looking for suggestions for easy hairstyles if you're texlaxed. I currently do braids with extensions or lace fronts over cornrows. When I wear my hair out I do a braid out. But at the end of the day my hair looks crazy. I love my texlaxed hair but I'm so frustrated :wallbash:! I just want an easy get up and go style.

I think you can do almost anything.... I am not much help, I just wash n go or throw it in a pony. Hope someone pops in with more help.....
*Sigh* well. seems like not much new out there. I'm thinking of having the front in small corn rows and clipping up or bunning the back. low manipulation and protective but hopefully less boring thank just a bun.
I just did this hairstyle this morning. I am transitioning to texlaxed and have about 4 inches of texlaxed hair.

Now remember, I am stylistically handicap .... er challenged:

Two strand twists for a twist out:



I am still undecided as to whether I was transition to texlax or natural. Does anyone use protective styles like twists? I am enjoying my hair for the first time in months with how it is responding well to ceramides and jheri juice. I just don't know what direction I'll end up. I love Taz007's siggie pic.
bumping. I'm transitioning and would like to know what people do with their hair at night when they have an, um, Significant Other over :grin:
bumping. I'm transitioning and would like to know what people do with their hair at night when they have an, um, Significant Other over :grin:
Girl....I definitely feel your pain!! When it's all said and done, my husband understands my goals and deals with my going to bed with a scarf and granny bonnet on the regular. Occasionally I'll leave my hair out for those "intimate moments" but before I go to sleep, you better believe that I put my scaft and granny bonnet on :~D