- How long does it take?


New Member
Hey I'm new but a long-time lurker!
Since I know a good amount of you all buy wigs and such I thought I should ask here first before I go crazy.

Anyways I ordered a half-wig from on Tuesday and the estimated arrival time was Thursday. Although I'm not at the freaking point of the wig not actually being here yesterday I'm kind of questioning if they got my order at all. Although I know I sent my payment and received a confirming email from paypal saying it was sent but I didn't get a confirming email from directly saying it's being processed. I sent it through paypal which is why I'm worried....could've I possibly done something wrong? Does it take a while to be processed in general let alone being shipped?
You may want to check the vendor section for reviews on hairsisters. There has been many complaints.
Alright thank you so much! That cleared up a lot of questions I had.
I didn't even think to check that part of the forum.
good luck! I ordered from clairhair which is also hairsisters owned by the same folks and it took me 2 weeks to get my order, they never sent me tracking info they are awful. so good luck! some people don't have issues, some do like myself.
First you should check the tracking info. I believe the tab is located next to the log in. That should give you some idea if your order has been shipped out or not. There you can also find the tracking info. There is also a shipping map somewhere on their site providing you with an estimate for how long the order should take to ship to your address after the 3 day processing time. The first time I'd ordered it took longer than I was told, but I did receive a phone call due to a backorder issue. Just give the customer service a call if you are experiencing a longer than expected delay.

I have always had a good experience with hairsisters, i order from them all the time. I get my packages in a timely manner.
Alright thank you all for the luck & replies!

@CoutureGirl : Yeah I logged in and seen it supposedly just shipped out today. I was kind of worried because usually I receive a confirming email when I order things online and thought it was weird. I learned I have to log-in to the site to check instead of relying on emails. Thank you for the tips!

Hopefully it will be here soon.
I always get my orders very fast. Maybe you misread and it said that they would ship it Thursday. I can't see you ordering on a Tuesday and having it delivered by Thursday...unless you live like right next door? Or ordered speedy shipping. Mine normally comes within 5 days of ordering.
Yeah now that I think about it was maybe Monday but either way I know it said the arrival date was Thursday. Y'know they have that little calendar that shows you visual next to your ordering info during the check-out process. Anyways yeah that's why I wasn't too worried because realistically I didn't think the wig would get here THAT fast.
Alright thank you all for the luck & replies!

@CoutureGirl : Yeah I logged in and seen it supposedly just shipped out today. I was kind of worried because usually I receive a confirming email when I order things online and thought it was weird. I learned I have to log-in to the site to check instead of relying on emails. Thank you for the tips!

Hopefully it will be here soon.

No problem. I just know how it is to feel left out and not knowing what is what. If you are anything like me, you need to stay informed, especially when there's no delay in taking our money!
They are on my boycott list. Took so long for my confirmation/shipping # to be emailed that I had to call the rep to ask what's going on and she told me the items were on backorder.

The backorder status was NOT indicated to me on the website. Rep said it could take 2 weeks or more to get the item at that point. YET MY DEBIT CARD WAS CHARGED!

Told her to cancel the order and give me my money back.